Thursday, December 19, 2013

Freedom Of Speech

The problem with this country is that there are to many groups, that represent to many different ideals.What these groups fail to realize is that if they weren't in this country, they wouldn't be recognize or allow to exist at all. That's the true beauty of living in America, where one has the ability and protection to express or to live  anyway they please and that is called  Freedom of Speech. The problem begins when one or even two groups get offended by comments or statements made by certain individuals.The media, even some well known politicians get involved combined with these groups, then blow these comments or statements well out of proportion and in the process enrages or divides a nation.What some citizens, media outlets, political groups and politicians fail to realize is that a person rights to express themselves openly and freely is protected by our founding fathers.

 Every American citizen has the right to express themselves or live the way they see fit, unless they are breaking  the law. If these groups, media outlets or politicians happen to get offended then they should consider that the country we live in is free.Which means if someone says or does something you don't like then all one has to do is close their doors, stop doing business with establishment or turn the channel and don't watch that type of programming at all. If someone expresses themselves or acts in a certain matter, one must always respect their right to do so. If we don't  respect others rights as American citizen's, then the country we live in will be void of our rights. Its my opinion that these so called groups, media outlets, political or third parties are only concern about their own personnel agenda's and not whats best for America. What's best for America is allowing anyone or any group to express themselves openly without pressure from any group, media outlet or political function.That's why they call it Freedom of Speech, a right to express or say things that some Americans don't agree with.

Monday, October 14, 2013

America Held Hostage

Nearly a week has gone by since budget talks have been staled and now the nations debt limit is on the horizon.With less than 10 days left, to raise the nations debt limit, Republicans are not only ignoring the American people, but also the nations business leaders.They are ignoring the glaring facts that pushing the nation to the brink of recession, not only hurts the American people, but also our creditability around the world. Now nations from around the world look at America as a laughing stock.Comedians and even our enemies laugh or make jokes at our inability to solve our own problems.What most Republicans, Democrats or political leaders don't realize is that the joke is on us the American people.While they fight to protect their own political agendas, the American public is held hostage because of it. Many government or non government workers depend on aid and income to make a living or to survive.While our leaders in Washington ,argue over their political agendas, allot of bills aren't being pain, some people won't eat, while others will get behind on their mortgages and then those who can't defend or fend for themselves will be without medical assistance. This is not what the American people voted for, in fact we voted for someone to lead. Most Americans don't care who wins or looses and almost all Americans didn't want the government to be shutdown because of Obama Care. America is being held hostage, while our leaders in Washington argue until one wins or looses.What our leaders don't realize is while they fight in Washington, the only one who really looses is the American people that voted for them.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How To Purchase Your Next Automobile

In a persons life there are two types of major purchases, buying a home and leasing or financing an automobile. With banks or finance company's offering rates as low as 1.9 percent on auto loans, one question remains how does one fit in the market place or how should one purchase an automobile? Before I explain how to purchase, then acquire financing an automobile there are two main items every consumer should be aware of and that's their budget or credit rating.
(1) Anyone that is interested in purchasing an auto should know their credit score, before they try to obtain any type of auto financing . The reason for this because a persons credit score or rating should be at a certain number in order to obtain financing. Scores ranging from 660-840 are considered above average scores and these types of credit ratings often get the best rates. Scores below these numbers sometimes command higher rates ranging from 8.5 percent and as even high as 27 percent, depending on that individual credit rating. Knowing your credit score or rating before a loan officer or a finance manager at car dealership, pulls it can help one avoid making costly mistakes. It can also save the consumer time, money and can keep them from being aggravated or frustrated during the buying process.
(2)Know what one can afford or their budget. Knowing this very important information can help a person from getting in debt or above their heads. Everyone should have a budget, know their limits and what they are willing to pay per month, including automobile insurance. Most major car dealerships will do everything in their power to maximize or make money on every customer. They will not only try to make a profit, but also try to make rate, then up sell them on items such as Credit Life, Disability, Gap Insurance and Automobile Protection plans.These items have a long rang of prices and can add as much as 40 dollars per payment.
How to purchase your next Automobile? By being smart, doing a little research, know your own credit score and also by knowing what you can afford. Always remember that everything can be negotiated , from the price of the automobile, interest rates from the banks and even the price on added items such as Automobile protection plans. The smartest thing anyone can do if they happen to have a good credit score, is to acquire a auto loan before they enter a car dealership. That way they will be in control of the buying process. For those with bad or limited credit you too can negotiate your interest rate to a limit. Because sometimes car dealerships are at the mercy of the banks or leading institutions and have no choice but to charge a higher rate. People with credit problems or issues should be prepared to prove their income and their residence. Most banks require an average income of $1800 a month to qualify for a loan. Its always smart to know your own situation before you decide to purchase a automobile. Always keep in mind that most sales people only make money when they make a sale, so please don't waste their time if you aren't really interested or serious about purchasing a automobile. Knowledge is power, the more someone knows about their own situation the easier it will be when one purchases their next automobile.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How Could They Know?

Today I was watching a news conference and a Republican from Louisiana, said these words that really bothered me, this is what the American public wants he said. My question to him or any other elected official is how could you know, how a average American citizen feels? After all most elected officials are rich and none of them know how it feels to work from one pay check to the next. They don't have to worry about feeding their children or about paying their bills. None of them know anything about real budgets, because most of them are out spending our tax dollars to eat at fancy restaurants, to take trips around the world and also to fill their pockets! They don't care that over 90 percent of the nation hate it when our elected officials fail to agree on something as simple as a budget bill. They also don't know or even care that these types of politics divide a great nation, but at the same time it unites us with one common thought.We all hate childish lawmakers or politicians who can't agree on anything! As government workers or those who depend on the government for income, living wages or food wait for our politicians to make a deal, those that are in Congress or the Senate are still getting paid. This is my thoughts and opinion to those Republicans or Democrat elected leaders, if you think you know how the average American citizen feels, then you really don't have a clue! If you really want to understand how the rest of America feels, try living in their shoes for a month or so.When I hear an elected official claim that he or she knows what most Americans want, need or feel.One thought comes to mind," how could they know? Most of them are out of touch with reality or on some magical realm that most of us clearly don't understand.


Monday, September 30, 2013

Republican Politics Are Bad For America

If you haven't notice, every time there is a budget, bill to vote on, women rights or other issues, Republicans respond with something negative. Instead of compromising or offering something new of their own(like a budget bill of their own) they instead offer nothing but criticism or negativity. These type of politics are bad for America, bad for, hurts business, keeps the economy from growing, stalls the market and its also bad for the constituents or party it represents. It seems like their only focus is to find new ways to hurt the poor or the middle class.It has gotten so bad that some Republicans even in their own party members don't agree with this type of politics. Not only does this type of infighting hurt the Republicans in the future when it comes to being reelected or elected in the future.But it also hurts Americas creditability and image around the world. Most major polls find that more than half of American citizens polled don't approve of this type of politics. Republicans as a whole need to reshape their platform ,come up with more viable solutions and reshape their image. If a America is to move forward Republicans , Democrats  and the President must come together for the better good of the country they serve. Negative politics are not good for America and especially not good for those who are elected to serve.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Republicans Still Playing Games With American Lives

As usual House Speaker John Boehner and other Republican Leaders gloat as they make an amendment to another impassable bill.While millions of American workers, average citizens and businesses are held hostage in the process.Doing so is wreak less because this not only hurts most American citizens, but it also threatens Americas security. America can't afford another government shut down, while our elected leaders hash out their differences. Republicans should pick another time to fight or wait until another President is elected to change a bill that has already become law. No victory can be declared while average American citizens suffer. If Republican leaders or Tea Party Members keep playing games with American lives, they will be remembered at election time. Then another Democrat will be elected President while, the Republican leadership who chose to engage in gamesmanship or politics instead of doing whats best for America will be watching from home.With a Us shutdown likely many American and government workers will  be without a paycheck.What's even more shameful is that those who serve in our military will also hold the burden of an irresponsible government. Republicans, Tea Party members stop playing games with American lives!Govern and do whats best for America!Those that are concerned should call or write their congressman and their Senators. Voice your concerns, let them know that America isn't an bargaining chip and that the government should be playing games with America!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Republicans Wage War On The Poor

Every since Barack Obama, was elected President of the United States, America has been far from united. Everyday, in Washington there is bickering between the left or the right, liberal against conservatives then there are Democrats that are always at odds with Republicans. Tea party members, well they hate just about everything and if they can't get their way,then they will prolong any bill that the Legislature tries to pass. Now the Republican party is after a new target, Americas poor. Its not enough that they are at odds or at war with the President, his Democratic allies or the Presidents health care law( Obama care or the Affordable Care Act )because now they are doing their best to make cuts to the food stamps for the poor or needy. American politics are at an all time low because not only does the Republicans want to eliminate funding for Obama care but they also want to cut or take food stamps from the needy.
 The question is why are Republicans waging war on Americas poor or middle class? The easy answer to that question is quite obvious, because Americas poor is unable to defend themselves. Some Republicans often wonder why their poll numbers are so low or why it has lost the faith of so many average American citizens.Well its because their focus is not on the American public needs, instead its on politics.This within itself is both dangerous and reckless. Instead of coming up with an agreement that will keep Americas credit rating up and government workers paid, they instead bicker about laws that were already past. Republicans or Tea party members are out of touch with America and most poll  numbers results reflect that.The American public is tired of the constant bickering between the President, Democrats or Republicans and what them to do whats best for America. Those Republicans or tea Party members who feel that attacking the nations poor, is great policy is out of touch with real American values.Our leaders in Washington should stop playing games and get a budget passed before the deadline, instead of waging war on Americas poor.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Connecting Our Worlds

I believe one of the reasons why there is so much racism or even why there are war waged in other countries or world wide is because of our lack of understanding of different cultures or races and our language barriers.This within itself can cause many business or sales professionals to miss out on business opportunities and it can also keep many of us from creating new friendships or business contacts.Think about what could happen if two people from different worlds, could get together, then understand where the other person is coming from.That within itself could create new business or friendships that could last a lifetime. That is why apps that are being created by Google and other companies are so important.(Google,Translate) These tools help bridge the gap between languages and cultures, that often translate into more business. With the rising cost of hiring a professional translator, Google translate and other apps are increasingly useful. In most cases they are free and very easy to use. What America Needs, highly recommends the use of these apps and encourage anyone who wants to communicate with the outside word to use them. For me its been extremely effective and along the way I have made friends with people that I couldn't communicate with otherwise. Building new connections or friendships, while connecting our worlds, make good business sense and along the way it also creates friendships that will last a lifetime.
Have a great day,

Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Cost Of War

For millions of years different civilization's or nations has or have wagged war against each other. Some have wagged war over political or religious differences, while others for pure domination of their region or place in the world. The great superpowers such as the United Sates of America or the well armed ,often flex their political muscle as a way of influencing other nations policies. Many of them have been known to lunch unprovoked  military attack on countries, as way of changing that particular nations political landscape or  way of life . History show that this approach doesn't work and the cost of doing so only creates more enemy's. Not only does it cost lives, but it also cost millions of dollars and the fact is America can't afford another costly, war that isn't paid for. The cost of war not only cost many innocent people lives, but it also hurts the credibility of a great nation. Its this editors opinion that our leaders shouldn't be allowed to authorize war unless its people agree with them. Whats the real cost of war? Lost lives, damage property, millions or trillions of dollars and loss of credibility. What America needs is real leadership! Please, consult our allies, get the Congress, the Senate and the American people, on board, before we get involved in another costly war.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What America Needs

As I begin to write, I have many thoughts that come to mind when I think about the country I love. Loving one country is almost like loving your family, spouse, children and friends. The reason I say this is just like our family our country has flaws or things that each of us are not happy with, but because we love them or it we always hope and pray for the best. Like most Americans, I am not completely happy with the direction that our country is headed in. But as I think about this past statement, some questions comes to mind, Who's fault is it ? Is it the President fault, Congress, Senate , the media, big business or common Americans fault? Whose the blame? And more importantly what can we do as American citizens to make it better? As I begin to think about the answers and solutions to our problems I begin to realize that even though we all would love to blame our politicians for our problems most of the blame comes from within. Its our fault as Americans, because we except things to easily and we do not use our rightful power as American citizens to the fullest. I would say to all Americans, that voting is not enough and complaining is easy! Get involved in your communities and tell your political leaders and business owners about your concerns. Stop complaining to your co-workers, friends and family, then do something about it. As easy as it seems to blame the President or our current leaders for the direction our country is headed, when in truth the country has been in this shape for over 15 years. As Americans instead of complaining and blaming people for our country past and future problems, we should instead support them with their efforts when it comes to change. Now I am not advising anyone who does not agree with the politicians to hold their tongue. Anyone that doesn't agree with the President or our current leaders should express their thoughts. But when they do so they should offer, some sound proof or another plan that can lead our country into the right direction. What America needs is peoples views that are not influenced by the media or politicians. Real American views, not from political leaders or people that are out of touch with reality. My mother had a saying that still sticks to me today," Unless you walked in the shoes of the person your are talking about or representing there is no way you can understand how they feel". That is why it bothers me when I see politicians shake peoples hands at airports, army bases,high schools or colleges. When in reality they do not understand what poor and working class people go through. If they happen to be rich, how can they really understand how poor and working class people feel? How can a person understand the needs of a person that just lost their house,car or family member or job when they are wealthy enough to take care of thousands of people? That is why America needs a real voice that comes from real people. In my blog I will be writing about real Americans, that are struggling and want their voices heard. So tune in the next couple of months will open up a lot of eyes and reveal what's it really like to be an American .
Be blessed and God bless America,

Friday, August 9, 2013

Investment Week

With the market trending down , some analyst would have you believing that its the wrong time to invest in the stock market. This could be further from the truth. When the market is down it's the perfect time to buy or invest in the stock market. Buying blue chip stocks below market value is the right move for any investor especially those who sell short and even those who invest long term. There are also some valuable penny stocks poised to make a move and become blue chip stocks themselves. What America Needs, recommends First Titan Corp ( FTTN) as a great buy at .84 per share. Fifty two weeks ago this stock was trading at 7.50 per share and have been trending upwards for the past 8 weeks. Investors would be wise to invest in this stock now and take advantage of this company future growth. As it continues to build back up its pro folio , also its investments in the Gulf of Mexico its a great buy. Research this stock and then you will find that this stock has plenty of room to run.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Space The Finial Frontier

 What would inspire a nation? Space travel. Fifty years ago man ventured out to the moon and a the whole world was in awe. Young people dreamed of being astronauts , then Hollywood was inspired to make television series, movies and plays about space travel. Millions of people around the world were captivated by each launch man has made in space and now that has been abandon. What our nation or others should realize is that space is the finial frontier and it would be in our best interest as a nation, if we explored those possibilities. Much has been learned since man ventured into space. Many medical and technology advances have been made since we ventured into space. Man needs to return to the moon, build a space station or living space there and then venture further out, to Mars, Jupiter's moons or other planets, while mining asteroids. NASA needs to hook up with young designers and engineers, then develop a star ship that's worthy of carrying the American flag. Its a shame that the space shuttle retired without a worthy spaceship to take its place. Its this editors opinion, that engaging in space travel would inspire a nation of future scientists, engineers and designers. It would inspire our young people to do more than play around with their cell phones or smart devices. After all space is the finial frontier.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Words Between Us

These days there is an out cry, because of the N word. After some thought I got to thinking,  not only about the N word, but also the other words that myself, some of my very close friends or other people use daily.  Some women have been known to use the B word, the H word and other words while joking around , playing with each other or with their friends. Some men on the other hand use the N word, F word, P word and other no name words, during competition, sports or other activities. Also many of those same words are common in our music, films and even on our local television stations. Imagine how boring some of our sex lives would be without some of those same words.

 The question is have Americans today become so sensitive that we can't even joke or play around with each other while using these words while we are in private? Can't we as people realize the difference between knowing when someone really means to say a word with bad or good intentions? With the pending  racial scandals or tensions rising because of  Riley Cooper and Paula Dean , it quite obvious that these two people said those words with bad intentions. I know Paula Dean must really feel relieved after hearing what Riley Cooper said to that security guard. But if you feel that these words will ever be taken out society or shouldn't be used at all, because someone may over hear them or get offended. All I have to say to that is, B please , N get a life if you believe that racism will ever end in America or that police brutality will stop. Then you must be a stupid F and your dumb A must be living under a F rock. Now I know you must know I only meant to say those words jokingly,because I was only trying to make a point and I am only having fun. It just happen to be Words Between Us.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

False Alarm

Every since Barrack Obama first took office there has been groups of people trying to tear his administration down. From Fox News, then from Republicans and now from other groups claiming that this administration is bad for the United States or its economy. But what these groups fail to realize is that their faulty data is just as bad as its analysis of this administration. Since Obama took office the stock market has risen over 5,600 points , unemployment level has dropped 2 points, then added over 2 million new jobs and there are also signs of an improving housing market. Factor that with improving consumer confidence, most people are feeling real good about this economy, even investors.With all this overwhelming evidence, one would ask whats with all the false alarms or predictions of doom? Why are there groups constantly trying to tear down this administration or its accomplishments?The easy answer to these question, is pure politics. As long as there is one political party on the outside the other will always say something negative. They will always raise false alarms or try to ignite fear into the American public. That is what makes politicians good at what they do which is complain. What they and the news agencies fail to realize is that unlike them, the numbers don't lie.

Friday, July 19, 2013

I Take Issue With

When I watch the news or listen to the radio, I am very sadden. Why? Because the press , the media and even some high profile celebrities, have no ideal what it means to be black in America. I wouldn't deny, that there are some racist black people in America and I don't excuse their behavior. Also black on black crime is absolutely ridiculous. But if one would deny that racism is still very big in America, then I would say, either that they are blind or they have their heads in the sand. Its a fact that everyday, that I walk out of my house I experience some form of racism, either at my job or while I am shopping. Even today I get strange looks when approaching my car, other races lock their cars as if I was some type of criminal trying to steal their car. I have began to accept the fact, that living around racist people is just a small part of living in America. What saddens me is when the people of my own kind with the power or positions to do something about it, are afraid to speak out on this issues or subject. Then I started to do some thinking on why certain celebrities don't speak out on this issue, its because they are afraid of loosing their sponsors or their positions. Many of them now are rich or wealthy and have forgotten what it means to be black in America. They have forgotten the struggle and the path that was laid out before them, from various past civil rights leaders.

That is why I take issue with them, not because of their opinions, but because the act like they represent the opinions of average African Americans. To those people this is my message to you. You don't represent the real opinions or views of  average African Americans. As a matter of fact you are out of touch and you have lost your way.You pander, to a group that really doesn't care about  you, your thoughts or your opinions. As long as they can control you and influence what you do or say, you will always be rich slaves in America.You are not real leaders and no African American citizen looks up to you for leadership, because many of you are afraid to lead.  Knowing that fact is okay with me and other African Americans.Why? Because we all know that our real leaders died a long time ago, are a thing of the past and as Africans Americans we are along to find our own way. Next time you so called leaders of African Americans decide to speak out, know this I and others take issue with your thoughts are views of real African Americans.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Racism Alive And Well In America

If you thought race relationships or that African American progresses has quieted racism , then all you had to do was watch and listen to peoples opinions about the Trayvon Martin case. One segment of America was clearly hoping for a guilty plea, while another segment were hoping for a plea of innocent. Whats ironic about this verdict is that the segment hoping for the guilty plea, knew deep down in their hearts that they would be robbed  again of justice. For hundreds of years the African American population had to endure many unjust verdicts. First they were brought here from another country, then enslaved . Then after they were freed, they were forced to live the life of lower class citizens. After the death of great leaders who fought then died for their freedoms (Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Rosa Park and others) Africans Americans continued to be viewed as lower class citizens.
With the election ,then re-electing of the nations first black President and the countless barriers over come one would think that Africans Americans suffering would come to an end. But the with tonight's verdict and a certain segment of Americans celebrating this decision, it proves that even today that racism is alive and well in America. What this verdict is clearly saying that young or old Africans Americans are not free to walk the very streets they live in. If they look the least bit suspicious they will be followed , killed or hunted down like animals. That is a little bit ironic, because not to long ago a famous football player was sentenced to five years in prison for the killings of an animal. It makes one want to ask this question, Are the laws written in America only geared towards the protection of other citizens other than African Americans? When will African American truly be free?  Only after African American are treated and viewed as equals will be the only time they will be free . Racism is alive and  doing very well in America. Until its gone African Americans will never be free.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Life's Unexpected

If you lived long enough, then you should know that life sometimes is very unpredictable. One day a persons car could be running and the next day it could be dead. That's just part of life many obstacle's and one must always be properly  prepared for the unexpected .Its important that every individual be prepared for death, job loss, natural storms, home or auto repairs and unexpected disasters. That's why a savings and financial plan is so important.  Without one  a family or an individual could loose everything in the process. In today's climate its very important to have some type of savings for the future and an investment of any type, is a must for every working or able individual. That combined with auto, life and health insurance can add security and a peace of mind that every American needs. If one plans to retire, send their children to college or even pay their current bills, a small investment in themselves is all that needed. That's why the staff at," What America Needs", recommends every individual save at least ten percent of their incomes and invest another five percent in stocks or other investments.(401 K, Cd's, Investment Clubs, Real estate or other investments)

To give you an example of what this means, a person earning ten thousand a year could net one thousand dollars in just pure savings. Also by investing another five percent they could net them another five hundred dollars. That's why I am encouraging every American citizen to put money on the side and invest in their futures. Instead of gambling in a casino, splurging at a mall or even eating at a local chain, they should instead save some of that money for life's many unexpected adventures. Its a known fact that life can sometimes be very stressful. Besides death, a financial burden can cripple many family incomes and sometimes cause divorce. Everyone should save a little of their income, to protect themselves against future storms or disasters. Doing so can pay huge dividends for the future and have them properly prepared for  life's unexpected.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Working For A Racist

With the recent rejection of a law passed years ago by the Supreme Court, one would argue that racial relationships have improved in America. After all blacks and minorities have made huge strides financially. Many minorities now own their businesses and now there are more millionaire minority owners than ever. Even after all the success or strides made, there are a few questions that still remain. Do African Americans or Minorities still need protection under the federal law and are they equal with their majority peers? And how would you feel if you worked with or was working for a racist? Wouldn't you like to know if someone you worked for , worked with or claim to be friends with was a racist?
 As you ponder the answer to those questions, I have a real life story to share with you. This past Monday, the owner of a local car dealership I was working for was filming a commercial. While preparing for the commercial he gathered all of his employees including myself for a short meeting. After explaining what he wanted done, he started ranting off racial slurs, that were very offensive, especially if you were black. After he said those offensive words, I felt an anger that I never thought was within in me. I am not they type of person that allows words or sayings offend me, but the way it was said and who it was coming from really bothered me. So after the commercial was done, I walked over to my boss and said,  The  words you said really offended me and  that you have no right to use that word . Its been years since I first heard the words nigger.Yes, I have heard them in rap songs and even heard them in movies. But its been a while since I heard someone other then them being of my own race saying those words, especially to me. Whats even worse is that this person clams to be a preacher, but he still curses in public and now I found out is a closet racist. You would think after I had a conversation with this person that he would apologize, but what happen after would shock and amaze. He got angry, started shouting at me and then fired me. Now not long after that he called and asked me to come back to work for him. I am back working there now, but the damage has been done. Now I know without a doubt  that I am working for a racist.Write in then express your thoughts or feeling on the subject.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Does What Makes America Weak Make It Strong?

If one looked at or studied other countries, then they would realize that the United States of America is an unique country. Here American citizens and even most foreign nations(Some legal and others illegal) are protected by laws that were in place for hundreds of years. Over time more laws were put in place to further protect the average citizen. There is the Bill of Rights, The First Amendment and other laws, that our law makers over the years voted on then processed in order to protect its citizens. The question is ,does this keep us strong or make us weak? Over the years some American citizen's and media outlets have taken full advantage of these laws, by exposing our military secretes. Some have even evoked the Bill of Rights or the First Amendment as an excuse or reason why these secretes should be exposed to the world. A  few simple questions should be asked of these citizens or media outlets that expose these secretes. Why have a secrete origination if it can't be secrete? Why have spy agencies if they can't spy?And if something is done wrong within them, why can't they punish or police their own? Who says that a private citizen or a media outlet knows whats best for a military outfit or a private company? Its a known fact that every business, corporation, family or organization has its secretes and none of them would like them exposed to the public. Does that mean that our government or military leaders shouldn't be held accountable to the American public? Its a known fact that our government and our military were formed to serve or protect its people, but exposing their secretes for the world to see, not only jeopardize our national security, but it also weakens our nation.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Do You Know Your Neighbor?

If you watched the news or read the paper lately, then you will (if you haven't yet realized) find that the world we live in is a very dangerous and mysterious place. Everyday, people are being kidnapped, murdered or robbed .Children are being molested and drug dealers are taking over our neighborhoods. The funny thing about the last two sentences I wrote, many of these so called criminals or thugs happen to be our neighbors. I know if you happen to be reading this you may say I live in a high end neighborhood , I live in the country or that I live a quiet community. Or you may say I know my neighbor or neighbor very well and there is no way they could be criminals. If you really feel that way, please answer these questions honestly. When was the last time you went on-line and visited the sex offenders site or when was the last time you viewed the most wanted list in your local post office? Don't you realize that some criminals live in high end neighborhoods and many of them happen to be the very same people you think you know? The fact is many people have been surprised to find that their neighbors were child predators, killers, rapist  and drug dealers. While you are at ease at home, these criminals are out plotting their next crime. As scary as this thought maybe, the question still remains, do you really know your neighbor? Do you? Take some sound advice look online, then find out if your neighbor happens to be a registered sex offender or worse a wanted criminal. My mother would always say, knowledge is power. Which means the more you know the safer you and your family could be.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

For The Good Of Our Country

With so much infighting, black against white, Democrat against Republicans, Tea Party against Independents, the south against the north, the House against the Senate, or all against the President, most forget that we are all Americans . Its alright that each of us has our own beliefs, differences or preferences, but with cooler heads or sound minds we should all be able to compromise, for the greater good of our country. After all while, we argue or fight over  the little things,we should never forget that our children are watching, in fact the whole world is watching. Are we going to continue playing this political game, while the rest of our citizens suffer? Don't these guys or gals realize that there was just an election and the majority voted for change? Its a fact that this political posturing hurts our economy, keeps major firms or companies from hiring and ruins our standings in the world. This message is for you Mr. President and to our leaders in the House or the Senate, get something done not for yourselves, but for the good of our country. After all without our votes and our support none of you would have been elected in the first place.  Please for the good of our country.