Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Nation Of Name Callers

Yesterday something strange and unexpected to me, while I was watching television in a lobby a white gentleman came up to me , then started to call me a name. At first I thought to myself, that he was about to call me the N word, so I braced myself expecting to be called this very familiar racist word. What's strange is over a week ago while watching a college football game another white gentleman actually called me this name. Even though after some thought I figured he did it accidently and really wasn't aware what he was doing or saying. You see we both were cheering for the same college football team and we also wore the same jerseys. While I was waiting in line to order my food, two white gentlemen walked behind me, then one of them said, get behind the nigger before someone else gets in line. At first I was shocked and surprised that someone actually called me a nigger. Then I turned around, then smiled at them both, then turn right back around and ordered my food. I could tell that both were embarrassed by what they said, because I over heard one of them saying ,Dude don't you realize what you called that man? Then the one that said it asked, do you think he heard me and then he said yes. While I walk over to my table with my order, then both of them walked over to me and apologized.

Which brings me back to the word I was called today, by that white gentleman I wrote about earlier walked over to me then said, I bet you are angry because the Republicans won back the Senate, you left wing ,Democrat , loving liberal! I looked at him then smiled, then said sorry sir you are very mistaken, I am an independent and I am not loyal to any political party. Then I said to him is that all you have too offer or to say when it comes to the affairs of our country? Don't you realize calling people names who might not agree with you is not mature and is very childish? Before he can get another word out I then said I know you are more educated than that and you are certainly smart enough to come with something better than that. Its sad that everyday on the local or national news both political parties start their days off by calling the other parties names. Democrat, Republican, left wing, right wing, conservative, moderate, liberal, tea party, white party, black party, gay, straight, the list goes on and on. These are the names that our elected leaders and even its citizens use everyday. What most of these people don't realize is that no matter what beliefs or party we are loyal to we are all Americans. We all live here, fight wars or work together, support some of the same high school, college or professional sports team and in fact some are actually neighbors. Its sad that we have become A Nation Of Name Callers. Then another person walked over to me, then said you are right, but the President is a dictator! I said really? Do you really know what that word really means? Then I said the President can't be a dictator in America and then he asked me why. I said because in America there are Democrat's, Independents , Republicans in the Congress and Senate. Part of the reasons they are there to keep his power in check. He couldn't be a dictator in a free America even if he wanted to.