Monday, September 30, 2013

Republican Politics Are Bad For America

If you haven't notice, every time there is a budget, bill to vote on, women rights or other issues, Republicans respond with something negative. Instead of compromising or offering something new of their own(like a budget bill of their own) they instead offer nothing but criticism or negativity. These type of politics are bad for America, bad for, hurts business, keeps the economy from growing, stalls the market and its also bad for the constituents or party it represents. It seems like their only focus is to find new ways to hurt the poor or the middle class.It has gotten so bad that some Republicans even in their own party members don't agree with this type of politics. Not only does this type of infighting hurt the Republicans in the future when it comes to being reelected or elected in the future.But it also hurts Americas creditability and image around the world. Most major polls find that more than half of American citizens polled don't approve of this type of politics. Republicans as a whole need to reshape their platform ,come up with more viable solutions and reshape their image. If a America is to move forward Republicans , Democrats  and the President must come together for the better good of the country they serve. Negative politics are not good for America and especially not good for those who are elected to serve.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Republicans Still Playing Games With American Lives

As usual House Speaker John Boehner and other Republican Leaders gloat as they make an amendment to another impassable bill.While millions of American workers, average citizens and businesses are held hostage in the process.Doing so is wreak less because this not only hurts most American citizens, but it also threatens Americas security. America can't afford another government shut down, while our elected leaders hash out their differences. Republicans should pick another time to fight or wait until another President is elected to change a bill that has already become law. No victory can be declared while average American citizens suffer. If Republican leaders or Tea Party Members keep playing games with American lives, they will be remembered at election time. Then another Democrat will be elected President while, the Republican leadership who chose to engage in gamesmanship or politics instead of doing whats best for America will be watching from home.With a Us shutdown likely many American and government workers will  be without a paycheck.What's even more shameful is that those who serve in our military will also hold the burden of an irresponsible government. Republicans, Tea Party members stop playing games with American lives!Govern and do whats best for America!Those that are concerned should call or write their congressman and their Senators. Voice your concerns, let them know that America isn't an bargaining chip and that the government should be playing games with America!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Republicans Wage War On The Poor

Every since Barack Obama, was elected President of the United States, America has been far from united. Everyday, in Washington there is bickering between the left or the right, liberal against conservatives then there are Democrats that are always at odds with Republicans. Tea party members, well they hate just about everything and if they can't get their way,then they will prolong any bill that the Legislature tries to pass. Now the Republican party is after a new target, Americas poor. Its not enough that they are at odds or at war with the President, his Democratic allies or the Presidents health care law( Obama care or the Affordable Care Act )because now they are doing their best to make cuts to the food stamps for the poor or needy. American politics are at an all time low because not only does the Republicans want to eliminate funding for Obama care but they also want to cut or take food stamps from the needy.
 The question is why are Republicans waging war on Americas poor or middle class? The easy answer to that question is quite obvious, because Americas poor is unable to defend themselves. Some Republicans often wonder why their poll numbers are so low or why it has lost the faith of so many average American citizens.Well its because their focus is not on the American public needs, instead its on politics.This within itself is both dangerous and reckless. Instead of coming up with an agreement that will keep Americas credit rating up and government workers paid, they instead bicker about laws that were already past. Republicans or Tea party members are out of touch with America and most poll  numbers results reflect that.The American public is tired of the constant bickering between the President, Democrats or Republicans and what them to do whats best for America. Those Republicans or tea Party members who feel that attacking the nations poor, is great policy is out of touch with real American values.Our leaders in Washington should stop playing games and get a budget passed before the deadline, instead of waging war on Americas poor.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Connecting Our Worlds

I believe one of the reasons why there is so much racism or even why there are war waged in other countries or world wide is because of our lack of understanding of different cultures or races and our language barriers.This within itself can cause many business or sales professionals to miss out on business opportunities and it can also keep many of us from creating new friendships or business contacts.Think about what could happen if two people from different worlds, could get together, then understand where the other person is coming from.That within itself could create new business or friendships that could last a lifetime. That is why apps that are being created by Google and other companies are so important.(Google,Translate) These tools help bridge the gap between languages and cultures, that often translate into more business. With the rising cost of hiring a professional translator, Google translate and other apps are increasingly useful. In most cases they are free and very easy to use. What America Needs, highly recommends the use of these apps and encourage anyone who wants to communicate with the outside word to use them. For me its been extremely effective and along the way I have made friends with people that I couldn't communicate with otherwise. Building new connections or friendships, while connecting our worlds, make good business sense and along the way it also creates friendships that will last a lifetime.
Have a great day,