Friday, January 12, 2018

What Should We Do Now?

It's been almost a year, since the new President of the United States has been in office. Since he has been there for the most part, he has been tearing down everything that the previous President Barrack Obama put into place. While at the same time enjoying the low employment numbers, a higher stock market, the support of his Republican party and while also taking credit for lots of things, that he didn't have anything to do with. What has this President accomplish since he has been in office? He may take credit for reversing health care, dividing a nation and destroying everything the previous administration put in place. As far as what he has accomplished on his own, all he can really take credit for is reviving America's big old dirty secrete which happens to be lots of  hate, hidden racism and a nation on hold waiting for what happens next. Now because of him America has become weaker, not stronger and now a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

 Now America is more divided than ever, most are taking sides and while everyday Americans are living a real life nightmare. What is our US President is doing in the mean time? Well he's busy using Twitter, screaming fake news, instead of doing what all other Presidents, have done before him did best, which is lead a nation. Presidents are suppose to inspire and lead, not tear down a country they were elected to serve. Mr President lead, don't Tweet, inspire don't destroy and protect our great nation, don't put it in danger.  The Untied States of America, is still the greatest country on Earth, all we need now is our leaders in Washington, to start acting like it. What Should We Do Now? Do everything in our voting power to make sure our voices are heard loud and clear! By the way, the very next time there is another election, please do everything in your power to get out and vote!!!