Monday, August 27, 2012

Deja vu

If there is anything that people in the Gulf Coast community(Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida) have in common is that each of us know how to deal with storms. We all know what lines at gas stations look like at our local service stations, we know when its time to stock up on certain items like, bottled water, can goods, batteries, ice chest and most of us ,if can afford it always has a generator for electricity handy just in case the power goes out. We all expect our local grocery stores or hardware store shelves to be empty and we know that this time because of the latest storm people will be prepared or will take the proper precautions before the storm arrives.  Why? Because its just like Deja vu or the same thing that usually happens at this time year, when a tropical storm or hurricane arrives.
In my adult life, I had to deal at least with four hurricanes, Andrew 1992, Katrina and Rita 2005, then after that Gustav 2008. All of them had one thing in common, they were all very destructive and if you didn't heed the warnings from local or state media outlet then you did so at your own risk. The reason why is because I have seen the destruction first hand and know the power that most tropical or hurricanes wield. They are very powerful and have been known to kill or destroy everything in their path. My advice to anyone that reads this, if you happen to live in the effected areas, please heed the warnings from your local ,state, National Weather Service or media outlets. Remember this no material thing or possession is worth more than your life. Do what's necessary to protect your home, your family and if asked to evacuate by all means leave. Don't become the deja vu or the next victim to be reported on the local new station.

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Cry From The Middle Class And Poor

It a know fact that prices for just about everything has gone up, while income levels have gone down. These days every time you hear a politician speak, it always about cutting government programs, such as health care, social security, food stamp vouchers, hospitals and other programs that help most struggling Americans. There is also a call in some circles to cut education or training that may help many Americans educate themselves enough to earn a higher living. While its known that the nation as a whole can't afford to keep on spending money on certain government programs. The question comes to mind is, if not spend money to support the programs that help struggling Americans, then what can be done? Is cutting programs that help the poor or the needy the answer? And when these programs are cut or done away with, who will help the poor or Americas struggling middle class?
Many Americans today, are living one pay check to the next and many others don't have emergency cash or savings to sustain themselves if something bad happens. Also with the price of gas, food and many other vital goods going up many of them are having a hard time keeping up. It seems today, that many politicians don't care about the average American citizen and instead of coming up with solutions to help combat the problem, they instead call names. Democrats  and Republicans' listen up, there is a cry from Americas middle class and poor. Stop your bickering and show some real leadership and do what's right for America.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Networking (2015)

My late grandmother had a saying that I never paid attention too until now," If you scratch my back, then I'll scratch yours" and its not what you know, but who you know. To all of my friends, co-workers or associates' around the world. I issue a challenge to each of you , get to know each of the people on your friends list and also find out what they do for a living. What's even more troublesome is that some of us don't even know what our neighbors' or family members do for a living. A lot of us seek knowledge from different sources, not knowing that the knowledge we seek maybe within our reach or own back yards. If everybody knew what their friends or relatives did for a living or what they know, imagine what one could learn from them or what they could also learn from you. Maybe their knowledge or expertise can help you save money, with your future purchases, give you knowledge on how to start a business or anything else you might be interested in. My mother had a saying that still sticks with me today," Its not what you know, but who you know that may aid in your future endeavors or successes". Imagine what new doors or opportunities that my be presented to you just buy knowing the people on your friends list or the people you see everyday. Knowledge or power is the key too all success . Imagine a world where we can learn about each other that may aid in each others future success. I am a car sales man, a writer, a website builder, blogger,  creative thinker, business man and public speaker. And you are? Lets Network its 2015! Write in, lets connect and build a relationship that may last for a lifetime.
Until then have a great day,

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Gulf Coast

Now that the children are starting to report to school, there is no better time to travel than now. All over the Gulf Coast, from Texas to Florida along the I-10 corridor hotels, restaurants and amusement parks are discounting their fares or rates drastically. I recently took a trip to New Orleans and then later to Gulf Shores , Alabama and had a blast! The food was excellent, the entertainment was top notch, beaches were white sand and  the view was absolutely beautiful and breath taking. To my surprise the hotels  and restaurants were affordable. When I asked a local business owner of a hotel why were the rates so affordable, his answer was simple. People were making a transition from vacationing to getting their children ready for school. As he explained it made common sense to lower the rates to draw more customers. I must admit after spending three wonderful days in New Orleans, Louisiana and Gulf Shores, Alabama, that the Gulf Coast is back. If you are a business person, a church that is expecting to plan an event or a parent with grown children there is not better time too plan a event, function or to take a few days for vacation . The Gulf Coast has plenty to offer the ordinary business person or an average citizen looking for a great deal.