Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Cost Of War

For millions of years different civilization's or nations has or have wagged war against each other. Some have wagged war over political or religious differences, while others for pure domination of their region or place in the world. The great superpowers such as the United Sates of America or the well armed ,often flex their political muscle as a way of influencing other nations policies. Many of them have been known to lunch unprovoked  military attack on countries, as way of changing that particular nations political landscape or  way of life . History show that this approach doesn't work and the cost of doing so only creates more enemy's. Not only does it cost lives, but it also cost millions of dollars and the fact is America can't afford another costly, war that isn't paid for. The cost of war not only cost many innocent people lives, but it also hurts the credibility of a great nation. Its this editors opinion that our leaders shouldn't be allowed to authorize war unless its people agree with them. Whats the real cost of war? Lost lives, damage property, millions or trillions of dollars and loss of credibility. What America needs is real leadership! Please, consult our allies, get the Congress, the Senate and the American people, on board, before we get involved in another costly war.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What America Needs

As I begin to write, I have many thoughts that come to mind when I think about the country I love. Loving one country is almost like loving your family, spouse, children and friends. The reason I say this is just like our family our country has flaws or things that each of us are not happy with, but because we love them or it we always hope and pray for the best. Like most Americans, I am not completely happy with the direction that our country is headed in. But as I think about this past statement, some questions comes to mind, Who's fault is it ? Is it the President fault, Congress, Senate , the media, big business or common Americans fault? Whose the blame? And more importantly what can we do as American citizens to make it better? As I begin to think about the answers and solutions to our problems I begin to realize that even though we all would love to blame our politicians for our problems most of the blame comes from within. Its our fault as Americans, because we except things to easily and we do not use our rightful power as American citizens to the fullest. I would say to all Americans, that voting is not enough and complaining is easy! Get involved in your communities and tell your political leaders and business owners about your concerns. Stop complaining to your co-workers, friends and family, then do something about it. As easy as it seems to blame the President or our current leaders for the direction our country is headed, when in truth the country has been in this shape for over 15 years. As Americans instead of complaining and blaming people for our country past and future problems, we should instead support them with their efforts when it comes to change. Now I am not advising anyone who does not agree with the politicians to hold their tongue. Anyone that doesn't agree with the President or our current leaders should express their thoughts. But when they do so they should offer, some sound proof or another plan that can lead our country into the right direction. What America needs is peoples views that are not influenced by the media or politicians. Real American views, not from political leaders or people that are out of touch with reality. My mother had a saying that still sticks to me today," Unless you walked in the shoes of the person your are talking about or representing there is no way you can understand how they feel". That is why it bothers me when I see politicians shake peoples hands at airports, army bases,high schools or colleges. When in reality they do not understand what poor and working class people go through. If they happen to be rich, how can they really understand how poor and working class people feel? How can a person understand the needs of a person that just lost their house,car or family member or job when they are wealthy enough to take care of thousands of people? That is why America needs a real voice that comes from real people. In my blog I will be writing about real Americans, that are struggling and want their voices heard. So tune in the next couple of months will open up a lot of eyes and reveal what's it really like to be an American .
Be blessed and God bless America,

Friday, August 9, 2013

Investment Week

With the market trending down , some analyst would have you believing that its the wrong time to invest in the stock market. This could be further from the truth. When the market is down it's the perfect time to buy or invest in the stock market. Buying blue chip stocks below market value is the right move for any investor especially those who sell short and even those who invest long term. There are also some valuable penny stocks poised to make a move and become blue chip stocks themselves. What America Needs, recommends First Titan Corp ( FTTN) as a great buy at .84 per share. Fifty two weeks ago this stock was trading at 7.50 per share and have been trending upwards for the past 8 weeks. Investors would be wise to invest in this stock now and take advantage of this company future growth. As it continues to build back up its pro folio , also its investments in the Gulf of Mexico its a great buy. Research this stock and then you will find that this stock has plenty of room to run.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Space The Finial Frontier

 What would inspire a nation? Space travel. Fifty years ago man ventured out to the moon and a the whole world was in awe. Young people dreamed of being astronauts , then Hollywood was inspired to make television series, movies and plays about space travel. Millions of people around the world were captivated by each launch man has made in space and now that has been abandon. What our nation or others should realize is that space is the finial frontier and it would be in our best interest as a nation, if we explored those possibilities. Much has been learned since man ventured into space. Many medical and technology advances have been made since we ventured into space. Man needs to return to the moon, build a space station or living space there and then venture further out, to Mars, Jupiter's moons or other planets, while mining asteroids. NASA needs to hook up with young designers and engineers, then develop a star ship that's worthy of carrying the American flag. Its a shame that the space shuttle retired without a worthy spaceship to take its place. Its this editors opinion, that engaging in space travel would inspire a nation of future scientists, engineers and designers. It would inspire our young people to do more than play around with their cell phones or smart devices. After all space is the finial frontier.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Words Between Us

These days there is an out cry, because of the N word. After some thought I got to thinking,  not only about the N word, but also the other words that myself, some of my very close friends or other people use daily.  Some women have been known to use the B word, the H word and other words while joking around , playing with each other or with their friends. Some men on the other hand use the N word, F word, P word and other no name words, during competition, sports or other activities. Also many of those same words are common in our music, films and even on our local television stations. Imagine how boring some of our sex lives would be without some of those same words.

 The question is have Americans today become so sensitive that we can't even joke or play around with each other while using these words while we are in private? Can't we as people realize the difference between knowing when someone really means to say a word with bad or good intentions? With the pending  racial scandals or tensions rising because of  Riley Cooper and Paula Dean , it quite obvious that these two people said those words with bad intentions. I know Paula Dean must really feel relieved after hearing what Riley Cooper said to that security guard. But if you feel that these words will ever be taken out society or shouldn't be used at all, because someone may over hear them or get offended. All I have to say to that is, B please , N get a life if you believe that racism will ever end in America or that police brutality will stop. Then you must be a stupid F and your dumb A must be living under a F rock. Now I know you must know I only meant to say those words jokingly,because I was only trying to make a point and I am only having fun. It just happen to be Words Between Us.