Friday, October 12, 2012

Should These People Be Running Our Country?

With most Americans incomes declining and wealthy getting richer, there is a big divide in the country. The poor is getting poorer and the middle call is barely making it. While the rich are getting richer still trying to hold on to those tax rates that make them even richer. The question I have for the political elite, what makes you qualified to run our country? Most politicians are out of touch with the American public and don't really understand the needs of the average American citizen. None of them understand that most Americans, besides wanting a job would also like to be in the position to do something's as the rich or wealthy.  Now even in Washington there is a fight between those who would tax the wealthy and for those who would fight to keep the higher income brackets taxes low. It makes one want to ask during those political debates, who will fight for the poor and the middle class? Who will make sure that all Americans pay their fair share of taxes? Who will make sure that every American is covered by health care despite their income? Who will keep drugs off of our streets and keep all Americans safe? Who will make sure that every American gets a quality education and that the teachers that are teaching them are well paid? Who will make sure after our children graduate from college that there will be a well paying job waiting for them? And who will stand up to those who would jeopardize our freedoms, our religions or our individual needs? These are just some of the questions that many of average American citizens would like to be answered. But with weeks leading into the election,these questions hasn't been answered by any of none of those who may run our country. Should these people be running our country? You tell me.

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