Friday, August 17, 2012

A Cry From The Middle Class And Poor

It a know fact that prices for just about everything has gone up, while income levels have gone down. These days every time you hear a politician speak, it always about cutting government programs, such as health care, social security, food stamp vouchers, hospitals and other programs that help most struggling Americans. There is also a call in some circles to cut education or training that may help many Americans educate themselves enough to earn a higher living. While its known that the nation as a whole can't afford to keep on spending money on certain government programs. The question comes to mind is, if not spend money to support the programs that help struggling Americans, then what can be done? Is cutting programs that help the poor or the needy the answer? And when these programs are cut or done away with, who will help the poor or Americas struggling middle class?
Many Americans today, are living one pay check to the next and many others don't have emergency cash or savings to sustain themselves if something bad happens. Also with the price of gas, food and many other vital goods going up many of them are having a hard time keeping up. It seems today, that many politicians don't care about the average American citizen and instead of coming up with solutions to help combat the problem, they instead call names. Democrats  and Republicans' listen up, there is a cry from Americas middle class and poor. Stop your bickering and show some real leadership and do what's right for America.


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