Thursday, May 24, 2012

Americas Poor And Homeless

With an election year now over, there is on group of people that our politicians and some media outlets seem to have forgotten about. What group you may ask? Americas poor or homeless. This group makes up 65 percent of the United States population, while only 30 percent of Americans are actually in the middle class and 5 percent are rich. One would may ask, if these figures are accurate , then why aren't more people talking about and why aren't more Americans speaking up? While many media outlets focus on groups such as, the gay community, African Americans, Hispanics or other groups, they forget one very important fact. In each of these groups a very large percentage of homeless people or  poor resides within them. The question is, Why aren't more people speaking up or looking out for Americas poor or homeless? Through my research and from talks from the street I have began to realize the main reason for this is because the poor or homeless  has no real representation. As one poor and homeless person who happens to sleep under a bridge once told me, man no one cares about us and there are not many people who know that we exist. He went on to say, when the public looks at us all they see is failure or someone that's looking for an handout. He went on to say, man what happen to me can happen to any of you guys and I don't want a handout I just want a chance.
After I finished giving him some money for something to eat , I then left him with a bad feeling in my heart and soul. I said to myself, this is America and why is this happening? Why aren't more Americans outrage and why won't anybody do something about it? If I were rich, maybe I would be poor the next month. Why? Well because I would do everything in my power to help those who struggle, those who are in need or those that are poor or homeless.  After all it is our duty as American citizens to help our own fellow Americans. We help other people that are poor in other countries, so why won't we help our own? Even though I may not be poor, I do understand how it feels to have no support or money. Its a very lonely world when you are struggling or when you are trying to make ends meet. There are no family members, friends or even  politicians fighting for you in Washington or even in your state. They are just Americas poor and homeless , forgotten people, without representation or care from America or Americas elite.


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