Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Don't Judge Me

A funny thing about being black and African American every time a crime is being committed or if something comes up missing the first place people look is at a black man. That is a fact that many black men or women face everyday being judge, declared guilty and prosecuted before they even know all of the facts. Being educated, successful or even being brought up is a two parent home doesn't allow blacks to escape racism. Even those who are committing racism, don't realize that they are judging blacks by the deeds of others. That fact came full blown when I was as work yesterday. Being that I am the only black employee every-time a crime is reported on the news involving a African American, I am the one they ask questions to. I get questions like, doesn't it bother you that there are so many black people killing each other? Why do y'all do that and why are there so many black females raising children by themselves? Why do y'all wear your pants hanging down? Then they would look at me and say why do blacks get very upset every time a policeman kills a black man and why do y'all riot? Shouldn't you guys be more worried or upset about the killings in Chicago, New Orleans and other black neighborhoods committed by your own people? And why does Al Sharpton Or Jesse Jackson only show up when this happens?

One thought comes to my mind when I am being asked these questions, what makes them think I am an expert or even understand why some African Americans commit crimes or do the things that are reported on the news? Yes I am fully aware that I am African American, but I never lived in the hood or any of those neighborhoods. I don't understand why our kind kills so much of each other and I can't begin to understand why some young black men wear their pants hanging off them. Rioting, damaging property and stealing because a black man was killed by a white police officer, that I'll never understand. What I do understand is that many black males are not only getting killed by other black males, but also by white police officers. I feel that when this happens any race has the right to protest peacefully. Not only should they be angry because a black man was killed by a white police officer, but they should also be outraged by the fact that nine out of ten black murders are committed by African Americans. If our young black men and women had real fathers, mothers or a role model to follow, then maybe there wouldn't be so many crimes. Maybe our young or old black men and women would be better people. Does that mean all black men or women are just like the ones reported on the news? No! There are many successful black men or women and just like there are some good police officers, that shouldn't be judged by the acts of some bad cops, neither should some black men or women be judge by the acts of others especially by those in Ferguson. In other words just because I am black and African American, Don't Judge Me! Don't judge my people for the actions of other  bad  or criminal African Americans

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