Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Networking (2015)

My late grandmother had a saying that I never paid attention too until now," If you scratch my back, then I'll scratch yours" and its not what you know, but who you know. To all of my friends, co-workers or associates' around the world. I issue a challenge to each of you , get to know each of the people on your friends list and also find out what they do for a living. What's even more troublesome is that some of us don't even know what our neighbors' or family members do for a living. A lot of us seek knowledge from different sources, not knowing that the knowledge we seek maybe within our reach or own back yards. If everybody knew what their friends or relatives did for a living or what they know, imagine what one could learn from them or what they could also learn from you. Maybe their knowledge or expertise can help you save money, with your future purchases, give you knowledge on how to start a business or anything else you might be interested in. My mother had a saying that still sticks with me today," Its not what you know, but who you know that may aid in your future endeavors or successes". Imagine what new doors or opportunities that my be presented to you just buy knowing the people on your friends list or the people you see everyday. Knowledge or power is the key too all success . Imagine a world where we can learn about each other that may aid in each others future success. I am a car sales man, a writer, a website builder, blogger,  creative thinker, business man and public speaker. And you are? Lets Network its 2015! Write in, lets connect and build a relationship that may last for a lifetime.
Until then have a great day,

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