Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Nation Of Name Callers

Yesterday something strange and unexpected to me, while I was watching television in a lobby a white gentleman came up to me , then started to call me a name. At first I thought to myself, that he was about to call me the N word, so I braced myself expecting to be called this very familiar racist word. What's strange is over a week ago while watching a college football game another white gentleman actually called me this name. Even though after some thought I figured he did it accidently and really wasn't aware what he was doing or saying. You see we both were cheering for the same college football team and we also wore the same jerseys. While I was waiting in line to order my food, two white gentlemen walked behind me, then one of them said, get behind the nigger before someone else gets in line. At first I was shocked and surprised that someone actually called me a nigger. Then I turned around, then smiled at them both, then turn right back around and ordered my food. I could tell that both were embarrassed by what they said, because I over heard one of them saying ,Dude don't you realize what you called that man? Then the one that said it asked, do you think he heard me and then he said yes. While I walk over to my table with my order, then both of them walked over to me and apologized.

Which brings me back to the word I was called today, by that white gentleman I wrote about earlier walked over to me then said, I bet you are angry because the Republicans won back the Senate, you left wing ,Democrat , loving liberal! I looked at him then smiled, then said sorry sir you are very mistaken, I am an independent and I am not loyal to any political party. Then I said to him is that all you have too offer or to say when it comes to the affairs of our country? Don't you realize calling people names who might not agree with you is not mature and is very childish? Before he can get another word out I then said I know you are more educated than that and you are certainly smart enough to come with something better than that. Its sad that everyday on the local or national news both political parties start their days off by calling the other parties names. Democrat, Republican, left wing, right wing, conservative, moderate, liberal, tea party, white party, black party, gay, straight, the list goes on and on. These are the names that our elected leaders and even its citizens use everyday. What most of these people don't realize is that no matter what beliefs or party we are loyal to we are all Americans. We all live here, fight wars or work together, support some of the same high school, college or professional sports team and in fact some are actually neighbors. Its sad that we have become A Nation Of Name Callers. Then another person walked over to me, then said you are right, but the President is a dictator! I said really? Do you really know what that word really means? Then I said the President can't be a dictator in America and then he asked me why. I said because in America there are Democrat's, Independents , Republicans in the Congress and Senate. Part of the reasons they are there to keep his power in check. He couldn't be a dictator in a free America even if he wanted to.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Don't Judge Me

A funny thing about being black and African American every time a crime is being committed or if something comes up missing the first place people look is at a black man. That is a fact that many black men or women face everyday being judge, declared guilty and prosecuted before they even know all of the facts. Being educated, successful or even being brought up is a two parent home doesn't allow blacks to escape racism. Even those who are committing racism, don't realize that they are judging blacks by the deeds of others. That fact came full blown when I was as work yesterday. Being that I am the only black employee every-time a crime is reported on the news involving a African American, I am the one they ask questions to. I get questions like, doesn't it bother you that there are so many black people killing each other? Why do y'all do that and why are there so many black females raising children by themselves? Why do y'all wear your pants hanging down? Then they would look at me and say why do blacks get very upset every time a policeman kills a black man and why do y'all riot? Shouldn't you guys be more worried or upset about the killings in Chicago, New Orleans and other black neighborhoods committed by your own people? And why does Al Sharpton Or Jesse Jackson only show up when this happens?

One thought comes to my mind when I am being asked these questions, what makes them think I am an expert or even understand why some African Americans commit crimes or do the things that are reported on the news? Yes I am fully aware that I am African American, but I never lived in the hood or any of those neighborhoods. I don't understand why our kind kills so much of each other and I can't begin to understand why some young black men wear their pants hanging off them. Rioting, damaging property and stealing because a black man was killed by a white police officer, that I'll never understand. What I do understand is that many black males are not only getting killed by other black males, but also by white police officers. I feel that when this happens any race has the right to protest peacefully. Not only should they be angry because a black man was killed by a white police officer, but they should also be outraged by the fact that nine out of ten black murders are committed by African Americans. If our young black men and women had real fathers, mothers or a role model to follow, then maybe there wouldn't be so many crimes. Maybe our young or old black men and women would be better people. Does that mean all black men or women are just like the ones reported on the news? No! There are many successful black men or women and just like there are some good police officers, that shouldn't be judged by the acts of some bad cops, neither should some black men or women be judge by the acts of others especially by those in Ferguson. In other words just because I am black and African American, Don't Judge Me! Don't judge my people for the actions of other  bad  or criminal African Americans

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Why Haven't We Been Back To The Moon?

Its a known fact that over forty years ago, man blasted of into space then landed on the moon. Back then the nation was inspired by our space hero's. Because of  their bravery a generation of scientist and explorers were born.Students paid more attention to their teachers, because they too believed that man could go where no man could before. Even Hollywood was inspired by mans flight into space, so they created movies and television shows that capture the attention of a nation. Children, men and women worldwide dreamed of becoming  astronauts, architects, designers, engineers, scientist and pilots. But something strange happened out of the blue, man stopped going to the moon. The moon project was shut down and in the process so was Americas desire to venture out into outer space. After 40 years one question still remains unanswered, Why haven't we been back to the moon?

What's funny to me is that man visited the moon over 40 years ago and some Scientist act like they don't have the technology to go back there. We have been there before, if anything we should be even more advance and better prepared than we were in the past. I feel that our government wasted a lot of tax- payers money by shutting down, the space shuttle, the moon project and others. One brave politician should come up with a bill and then put it up for vote to the American public. Explain to them why a space program is so vital to our interest and why we could be left behind, if we don't act now. We should build a reusable space ship that can take us further into space and beyond. Also by now a station on the moon should have been built. After all why visit a place if you can't at least establish a base there. Who knows what our world would be like now if man hadn't stop exploring the moon, space and beyond.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Space Farm

Scientist worldwide are looking for ways to grow plant life on Mars and in space, but none are willing to take truly bold steps to get this accomplished. I recently read an article that talks about sending a very small Greenhouse to Mars. In it there will be over 200 seeds contained in a very small container on top of a rover. None of the seeds would be allowed to touch the surface of the planet, because scientist are afraid that some form of Earth life would be present on Mars.What they seem to be forgetting is that very soon there will be some forms of Earth life in the near future on the planets surface. Humans in the very near future are planning to live on the planets surface, for the rest of their lives. Although I like to concept of the ideal or plan but why shouldn't scientist take this step a little further? Why not grow a full fledged Plant farm on Mars or in Space so that man could venture out further?

 If humans are truly going to live on the planet then we should introduce plant life on Mars.There are many forms of plant life that have been known to grow in very harsh conditions and may have the ability to thrive in the very dry conditions that are on Mars. If we can plant cactus, grass seeds or trees in contained areas on Mars it would aid in prolong life on the plant surface.If scientist have the ability to grow crops, such as corn, vegetables, fruit and other items it could aid in feeding Mars future settlers. Introducing them to Mars will help filter some of the toxic carbons, that are now present on Mars. If man can grow plants on Mars and in Space, then we can truly go where no man has before. For those who may think that plant life can't thrive in radioactive climates, look to Russia where a nuclear waste is now present. There animals, fish, plants and trees are still thriving, in a place where man is not allowed because of the radiation. Also on our own planet life has been known to thrive in dry, cold or climates all over the world. They key for our scientist is to think out of the box and stop putting limits on life. Just because we think it can't be done doesn't mean it is impossible. Lets build a greenhouse or farm in space so that human settlers can live and thrive on Mars or other planets.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Manage Your Money

Its a fact that 65% of Americans don't have at least $1,000.00 in their savings. Its also a fact that over 75% polled are in fact living from one pay check until then next. What makes these facts even more disturbing is that if any of these people happen to loose their jobs or have any type of emergency, they don't have any type of capital to help them in their time of need. That's why the staff at What America Needs came up with a simple formula that can help any American safe at least $1,095.00 per year. How you may ask? By saving $3.00 per day. That's right $3.00 a day, less than the cost of a happy meal  at McDonald's and the price of an average energy drink one can save $1,095.00 a year. Its a fact every American adult spends about $15.00 per day on things they don't need , like snacks or other items. That's over $5,475.00 per year! Now you know why convenience stores and fast food chains make so much money. In fact each of these businesses average at least $7.00 per person that walks into their doors. It would only make sense, to know that almost every American despite their income can save at least $1,000.00 per year, after all it's only $3.00 per day.Yes, you to can save once you learn how to, Manage Your Money.

Saving tips,
$1.00 per day = $365.00
$3.00 per day = $1095.00
$5.00 per day = $1,825.00
$10.00 per day = $3,650.00
$15.00 per day = $5,475.00
$20.00 per day = $7,300.00
These numbers are based off of each day of the year which equals 365 days.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Building Your Business

Its a known fact that 90 percent of all new jobs in the United States of America were created by small business. Every new or old business were created by one or two very creative individuals with the ideal of owning and running their  business. The question is how does one start or build their own business? First with an ideal, then with a plan to aggressively, put their ideal into action. I recommend anyone who happens to have a great ideal, to first write it down on paper, store it on a hard drive or smart device, so that particular ideal doesn't get lost. Most great ideals are lost because the person or persons who thought of it simply forgot to write it down.

 Research your ideal then make sure there is an active market for your products or services.The next step is to put it into action, even if its on a small scale every new ideal should start off as soon as possible. After that is done is when one should come up with a name, then immediately incorporate their business.The reasons for this is because once a person makes their business their passion, the greater chance that their business or ideal becomes a reality. Then let the world know about your new business. Most businesses don't acquire any clients because the new owner hasn't told their family members or friends about their new business. Today there are many social networks available where one can advertise their business for free.Word of mouth is still a very successful and proven way to market any new or established business.Always treat each new client or customer with respect and provide great service, that way the business will keep on growing. Even when a business or company is experiencing slow periods one should never give up on their ideals or business. Be patient,  part of building any business, is finding new ways or ideals to get referrals and create new business.
Good luck,

These are my simple steps for starting ones own business.
(1) Write down then store the relevant information when it comes to running your new business.One should never forget to get the necessary licenses or permits before opening their business.
(2) Create, then come up with a name of your new business and incorporate your new company.
(3) Open up a business bank account at one of your local banks or credit union.
(4) Purchase business cards and market yourself through family, friends and all available social networks.
(5) Stay active, advertise, promote and never give up on your business.

Monday, March 17, 2014

More Money More Problems?

Recently I talked to a friend of mine and asked her why hasn't she moved up in the company that she has been working for over 12 years? Her answer kind of caught me off guard when she said the reason why she hasn't accepted a higher position, is because with higher pay come more responsibility, that she wasn't ready for. Then I said to her, you gave this company 12 years of your life, isn't that better than accepting a 20 to 50 cent raise every year? After all I explained you have showed up faithfully for 12 years, you know how to do all the jobs and you have out grown your position there. If you don't move up to the next level, very soon they will lay you off and pay someone new a lower wage to fill that position.Then she looked at me and said that isn't fair! Then I said that's business , no one wants to pay someone a higher wage to do something a lower wage employee can do effectively. Then I said, of course if you move up and your wages increase there will be more responsibilities that come with it. That's why people who take the higher positions get paid a higher salary, to handle problems that lower wage employees or workers can't.When the lower wage employee is capable of handling those issues or problems is when they have out grown their positions.

Its a fact that most companies are searching for new people to lead their companies, not realizing that there are already very qualified candidates or individuals right there within their own company. It makes good business sense to promote within, instead of looking outside the company. Doing so will encourage other employees to want to move up and the company will become even more profitable in the future to come. Yes there are many employees that refuse to take a higher position because of the pressures or problems that comes with it. But there is no one out there that doesn't want to make more or feel that they are worth more than they are being paid. Want to make more money? If you are able to handle problems, just as good or well as management ,then take a higher position within your company you work for then get paid. More money, more problems?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Do It Yourself

If you haven't notice getting things fixed, like car or home repairs can be quite expensive. Some mechanic shops charge as much as $85.00 dollars per hour and most home repair experts charge an average$50.00 just to look at any problem that a home owner may have. Also most carpenters, electricians, painters or plumbers won't take a job if they aren't making at least $1000.00. If you haven't done these jobs before you could be at the mercy of those who get paid to do these things for a living. The question is what can one do if they can't afford the price, feel like they are being over charged or taken advantage of by these so called experts?These days the Internet has become a very powerful tool, there one can simply type in any subject they like and find out how to do almost anything. Also before attempting to do any type work, such as automobile or home repair all that one has to do is to go to sites like Bing, Google or You Tube, where one can get or view step by step directions for free.

 To test out  this theory I went to You Tube myself and successfully changed the spark plugs on my automobile. At first I was nervous, but after watching a You Tube video, I was confident I could do it! I saved myself over $65.00! I also did similar jobs around my home that would have cost me thousands of dollars, if I allowed the experts to charge me. There is so much information out there, that I have found that I could do almost anything! After some research, I have found that I can do almost all of the simple jobs around my home without being charged. It has also provided me with valuable knowledge, that I can use in the future just in case I don't have time to make those repairs on my own. With my new found knowledge I won't allow the so called experts to over charge me with services I don't need. If they try to charge me more than the going rate, I will just simply do it myself.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

What Does Your Employer Or Job Think About You?

It you happen to be employed or working for someone haven't you noticed that the people you work for are always trying to do more with less? Cutting back on your benefits and wages while increasing the workloads or asking their employees to do more while you are making less. It makes one want to ask ,What does your employer or job think about you? Do they care that each of their workers, have bills to pay, while others have children or a non working spouse to take care of? Do they understand or realize that while they are cutting back on your  hours or wages, the cost of living is still rising? These days it seems that most corporations or businesses only care about profits or the bottom line, while their employees suffer. Everyday, the price of gas, food and utilities rises everyday, while rents or mortgages are at an all time high.While these things increase workers wages are being cut or fazed out just so that the companies they work for makes large profits.

Now there is a push in Washington to raise the minimum wage, in an attempt to raise the nations poor out of poverty. Its this writers opinion that won't be enough to help the average worker or struggling poor get out of poverty. If a bill get passed allowing the raise of minimum wage, most companies will lay off workers or cut back on their hours. The only way the nations middle class or poor will ever be lifted out of poverty is if they are paid for what they are worth, while educating and giving those who need it the popper skills to compete. If Congress, the Senate, President or business leaders were really serious about helping the middle class or poor, then they would require that each businesses would share a portion of their profits with their employees.They also would further educate or give skills their workers, so that they could compete in the work place or economy.

 After the minimum wage law has been passed they would add an amendment that would protect the workers, hours, wages and benefit's.These are the things needed to get most of Americas middle class or poor out of poverty. As you know that these ideals have no chance passing in Congress and most business leaders or CEO's will fight any attempt to cut into their profits. None of them are willing to do what it really takes to raise Americas poor out of poverty. What does your employer or job think about you? You are only a means or a way for them to make a profit.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Turn Good Business Into Profits

It is the year 2014 and last year your business or portfolio has suffered. Profits or sales are down and there is no shopping at your business, store or online business.The questions are what went wrong and how can one turn around their business?What can a business owner do in this climate to restore their fortunes and turn a respectable profit?The answers to these questions are very simple, but many businesses or cooperation's ignore the basic needs or principles of running a business.Which are taking care of or providing  good customer service to their clients and hiring, then retaining good employees.There is an old business saying which still applies even today.If the company has a quality workforce or happy employees then in the long or short term the business or sales from it will increase.The real key to long term success for any business or corporations is having a happy quality workforce and strong management team, that understands the needs of its employees.Once that's in place the company should thrive for as long as the customer has need for their goods or services.

The question is how or why have so many businesses crumbled or failed in this climate?The key reasons are lack of investment, poor management skills, lack of quality employees and micro management from the owners. If management allowed their employees to do their jobs and if the owners stay out of the way, then many would have very successful business.When out of touch owners or when power hungry or know it all managers get in the way business always suffer.This also produces poor morale in the work place and in the end the company looses a quality employee. There is an old saying that my late grandmother would use often,"If it isn't broken, don't fix it".Which means, if the company or business has a formula that works, there is no reason to change it. Turn good business into profits, then the company will have happy customers and good employees for the life of the company.

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Moon, Space And Beyond

While America waits the rest of the world is exploring, then launching rockets into the skies, with their eyes trained on the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and other planets beyond our Universe. Long ago America sent a spaceship, then landed on the moon then retrieved samples that were brought back to Earth. That is where America lost it vision. America shouldn't have just visited the moon it should have also established a base there for future astronauts or scientist to explore the planets, solar system and beyond. The technology is there, has been established for years and in fact our advances in all technology has increased, over one million times over. The question is if we are capable of building a space station above the Earth and able to send a robot rover's the size of a average car to Mars, then why haven't we established a space station on the moon or expanded our horizons? Is it because our leaders in Washington have lost their way or ambition? While many Americans ponder answers to these questions, the rest of the world is looking for ways to explore our great Universe or racing their way toward the Mars, the Moon, space and beyond. Lets reclaim our rightful place in Space, then wake up a sleeping generation, on the Moon, in Space and beyond.