It you happen to be employed or working for someone haven't you noticed that the people you work for are always trying to do more with less? Cutting back on your benefits and wages while increasing the workloads or asking their employees to do more while you are making less. It makes one want to ask ,What does your employer or job think about you? Do they care that each of their workers, have bills to pay, while others have children or a non working spouse to take care of? Do they understand or realize that while they are cutting back on your hours or wages, the cost of living is still rising? These days it seems that most corporations or businesses only care about profits or the bottom line, while their employees suffer. Everyday, the price of gas, food and utilities rises everyday, while rents or mortgages are at an all time high.While these things increase workers wages are being cut or fazed out just so that the companies they work for makes large profits.
Now there is a push in Washington to raise the minimum wage, in an attempt to raise the nations poor out of poverty. Its this writers opinion that won't be enough to help the average worker or struggling poor get out of poverty. If a bill get passed allowing the raise of minimum wage, most companies will lay off workers or cut back on their hours. The only way the nations middle class or poor will ever be lifted out of poverty is if they are paid for what they are worth, while educating and giving those who need it the popper skills to compete. If Congress, the Senate, President or business leaders were really serious about helping the middle class or poor, then they would require that each businesses would share a portion of their profits with their employees.They also would further educate or give skills their workers, so that they could compete in the work place or economy.
After the minimum wage law has been passed they would add an amendment that would protect the workers, hours, wages and benefit's.These are the things needed to get most of Americas middle class or poor out of poverty. As you know that these ideals have no chance passing in Congress and most business leaders or CEO's will fight any attempt to cut into their profits. None of them are willing to do what it really takes to raise Americas poor out of poverty. What does your employer or job think about you? You are only a means or a way for them to make a profit.
Now there is a push in Washington to raise the minimum wage, in an attempt to raise the nations poor out of poverty. Its this writers opinion that won't be enough to help the average worker or struggling poor get out of poverty. If a bill get passed allowing the raise of minimum wage, most companies will lay off workers or cut back on their hours. The only way the nations middle class or poor will ever be lifted out of poverty is if they are paid for what they are worth, while educating and giving those who need it the popper skills to compete. If Congress, the Senate, President or business leaders were really serious about helping the middle class or poor, then they would require that each businesses would share a portion of their profits with their employees.They also would further educate or give skills their workers, so that they could compete in the work place or economy.
After the minimum wage law has been passed they would add an amendment that would protect the workers, hours, wages and benefit's.These are the things needed to get most of Americas middle class or poor out of poverty. As you know that these ideals have no chance passing in Congress and most business leaders or CEO's will fight any attempt to cut into their profits. None of them are willing to do what it really takes to raise Americas poor out of poverty. What does your employer or job think about you? You are only a means or a way for them to make a profit.
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