Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Failed Government

What happens when Congress and the Senate pass a bill that has no hope of passing or won't ever get signed into law by the President? Nothing and that's what's wrong with government today. Instead of passing a bill that both parties can agree with Democrats and Republicans write then attempt to pass bills that have no chance at becoming law. This is a waste of tax payer dollars or time and it isn't what the citizens of the United States of America elected them for. The problem with American government or politics is that there are too many egos and not enough compassion for its citizens. There is too much infighting, not enough compromise and no one wants to work together for the good of America. Rich Congress, Senate men and women are writing laws that don't effect, bring change or improve the lives of the average citizen. Instead the laws today are written with the intent of helping only the top 1 percent or the rich, while the other 99 percent of its citizens suffer.

For the last 20 years the government has failed its citizens and made many of them poorer than they were before they were elected. During this time period(1996-2016) the ranks of the rich have grown by over 250% and at the same time increased the wealth of those who were already wealthy. Today in the year of 2016 there are now more people on food stamps or welfare, many are homeless and uneducated, while our schools are under funded. Our infrastructure is outdated  and in need of repair, while crime is at an all time high. Government has proven time and time again to fail those citizens who voted for these elected official. Its the opinion of the staff at What America Needs, that a change needs to take place. Not only at the top of government but from all ranks of government. Its time for Americans citizens of all race, color, creed or sex to make a stand against those who only want to further their own agendas. Let our voices be heard and say, "That no longer will we tolerate a Failed Government, but only a one that works only for the people". Wake up America write in, use your social networks or platforms, help make America strong and respected again!

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