If you haven't notice, every time there is a budget, bill to vote on, women rights or other issues, Republicans respond with something negative. Instead of compromising or offering something new of their own(like a budget bill of their own) they instead offer nothing but criticism or negativity. These type of politics are bad for America, bad for, hurts business, keeps the economy from growing, stalls the market and its also bad for the constituents or party it represents. It seems like their only focus is to find new ways to hurt the poor or the middle class.It has gotten so bad that some Republicans even in their own party members don't agree with this type of politics. Not only does this type of infighting hurt the Republicans in the future when it comes to being reelected or elected in the future.But it also hurts Americas creditability and image around the world. Most major polls find that more than half of American citizens polled don't approve of this type of politics. Republicans as a whole need to reshape their platform ,come up with more viable solutions and reshape their image. If a America is to move forward Republicans , Democrats and the President must come together for the better good of the country they serve. Negative politics are not good for America and especially not good for those who are elected to serve.