Thursday, December 27, 2012

Letter To Our Elected Leaders/ Stop Playing Games With American Lives

With the financial cliff on the horizon, our elected leaders are busy calling each other names. One party blaming the other while the nation is at a standstill because of our leaders childish behavior. Most Americans have hand enough of this so called bickering and want something done. There are those who say, let the nation go over the financial cliff, without concern for its citizens. These leaders are wreak less, heartless, individuals and seem only concern about their own agenda. While they bicker in Washington, the stock market is at a stall, business are afraid to hire, consumers are afraid to spend money and the nation as a whole is shackled by these so called polices. This is a letter to our elected leaders,. Stop it with the name calling! Stop being concern with your own agenda, stop blaming each other and do what's right for America. Get a bill passed that each party can agree on ,so that the nation can move on.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Invest Now While The Rest Of America is in Fear

As an investor there are two times of the year when I really enjoy making money ,one is when the market is up and the other when the market is down. If you happen to be the type of investor who enjoys, short selling then when the market is low is the best time of the year to invest. The reasons for this is very simple, the media or other outlets drive the price of prime stocks very low. In some cases to the point that they become penny stocks or driven below their actual cash value. Which in turn can make them very affordable to an amateur or average investor. Buying the right stock at the right time at an very inexpensive price, could led to hugh profits. Also the risk of buying something proven is low, but the returns are potentially great. Stocks have been known to average over 400% in returns when the stock market is on an up swing. That is why professional investors always invest or buy while the rest of America is in fear. The old saying is buy as much as you can low, at a cheap or inexpensive price and when the market reaches its peaks, is when it the right time to sell. Invest now! Buy now! Because doing so could lead to hugh profits and also make you lots of money. Learn how to invest now and allow your money to work for you tomorrow.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Neighborhood Nobody Knows Or Cares About

Imagine if you woke up or was born in a world that was always at war. Drive by shootings , mass murder, theft , rape and every crime known to man being committed on the daily basis. Imagine streets covered or littered with trash. Homes or apartment buildings infested with rats and roaches or abandon buildings being used as crack houses or whore houses used for prostitution. On every corner, there is a gang member, drug dealer or liquor store. Police only patrol or drive by only when a crime is being committed or when they need to meet their quotas while writing traffic tickets or citations. When a crime or a murder has been committed they come in large numbers and even if you haven't committed a crime, but fit the description,you will be face down or shackled by police like a criminal. In these neighborhoods, hoods, ghettos or trailer parks these things are normal. Its a normal thing for a child or an adult to witness a crime on a daily basis and no one is ever shocked when someone gets murdered. In fact in some neighborhoods when someone gets into a fight or even shot, all the people in the neighborhood comes out to watch like its an a event. To many who live there fighting, killing or murder is just like a sport. Thugs or so called gangsters brag or laugh about the crime to their family or friends. Some are so bold that they even post their crimes on Face book, Twitter and even You Tube.
Men or women drive by in their old school cars with twenty five or twenty six inch wheels, blaring their music sky high and walking around with expensive athletic shoes with their pants hanging down. Some do drugs in public or broad day light and commit their crimes for everyone to see. The good people who live there are in fear and helpless to do anything about it. Why? Because even when one makes a phone call to the local police station it could take hours before one makes an appearance. Many simply can't afford or don't have the resources to move out of the ghetto because of their income. In most of the homes there are single parent females or a rare male that's left alone to raise their children. Education is some cases are frowned on and for some children only the lure of making fast money as a drug dealer, rapper or criminal is in their future. Why? Because their father, mother and their family members grew up to be criminals or so called gangsters. Forget about what they see or hear on television because to some children its worlds away or a fantasy. Besides that, nobody in the outside world knows or cares about the ghetto. No one cares that everyday a young man, woman or child are being murdered or raped. In fact even though there is an election no candidate is speaking or trying to change the lives of the people in the ghetto. Its the neighborhoods that nobody knows or cares about and many want to know why? Write in , then express your thoughts, opinion or views on the subject.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One Voice

In case you lived under a rock , then you should know that there is a election today. If you read your daily paper, listen to the radio or watched the news lately then you would have heard various opinions on who is going to win the election or the race. In one corner, you would believe Mitt Romney has already won the race and is the President elect. Then  in the other corner you would believe that Barack Obama has already won second term. The news media and the pundits' have already picked a winner, even though not a single vote has been counted. Radio shows, talk media and newspapers are spending their time tearing down each candidate. Democrats and Republicans a doing their best to tear down the other tell everyone that their candidate is the best.
Well I am here to tell you until the last vote is counted the election isn't over until the fat lady sings. It doesn't matter who you choice to vote for, just get out and vote. Encourage your friends, your family members, complete strangers , even your spouse to get out and vote. Tell them to exercise their rights and to let their voices be heard. Tell them not to let the news media, pundits or even those from their own political party to influence them when it comes time to vote. Instead look at the facts, search the Internet, listen to the debates and come to your own conclusion on who to vote for. Its your voice and your vote make your choice wisely. Vote and allow your voice to be heard. I will be voting on election day, will you?Please vote because your vote really counts and you can't complain unless you vote.One vote! One Voice!Your Vote Counts!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Should These People Be Running Our Country?

With most Americans incomes declining and wealthy getting richer, there is a big divide in the country. The poor is getting poorer and the middle call is barely making it. While the rich are getting richer still trying to hold on to those tax rates that make them even richer. The question I have for the political elite, what makes you qualified to run our country? Most politicians are out of touch with the American public and don't really understand the needs of the average American citizen. None of them understand that most Americans, besides wanting a job would also like to be in the position to do something's as the rich or wealthy.  Now even in Washington there is a fight between those who would tax the wealthy and for those who would fight to keep the higher income brackets taxes low. It makes one want to ask during those political debates, who will fight for the poor and the middle class? Who will make sure that all Americans pay their fair share of taxes? Who will make sure that every American is covered by health care despite their income? Who will keep drugs off of our streets and keep all Americans safe? Who will make sure that every American gets a quality education and that the teachers that are teaching them are well paid? Who will make sure after our children graduate from college that there will be a well paying job waiting for them? And who will stand up to those who would jeopardize our freedoms, our religions or our individual needs? These are just some of the questions that many of average American citizens would like to be answered. But with weeks leading into the election,these questions hasn't been answered by any of none of those who may run our country. Should these people be running our country? You tell me.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Deja vu

If there is anything that people in the Gulf Coast community(Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida) have in common is that each of us know how to deal with storms. We all know what lines at gas stations look like at our local service stations, we know when its time to stock up on certain items like, bottled water, can goods, batteries, ice chest and most of us ,if can afford it always has a generator for electricity handy just in case the power goes out. We all expect our local grocery stores or hardware store shelves to be empty and we know that this time because of the latest storm people will be prepared or will take the proper precautions before the storm arrives.  Why? Because its just like Deja vu or the same thing that usually happens at this time year, when a tropical storm or hurricane arrives.
In my adult life, I had to deal at least with four hurricanes, Andrew 1992, Katrina and Rita 2005, then after that Gustav 2008. All of them had one thing in common, they were all very destructive and if you didn't heed the warnings from local or state media outlet then you did so at your own risk. The reason why is because I have seen the destruction first hand and know the power that most tropical or hurricanes wield. They are very powerful and have been known to kill or destroy everything in their path. My advice to anyone that reads this, if you happen to live in the effected areas, please heed the warnings from your local ,state, National Weather Service or media outlets. Remember this no material thing or possession is worth more than your life. Do what's necessary to protect your home, your family and if asked to evacuate by all means leave. Don't become the deja vu or the next victim to be reported on the local new station.

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Cry From The Middle Class And Poor

It a know fact that prices for just about everything has gone up, while income levels have gone down. These days every time you hear a politician speak, it always about cutting government programs, such as health care, social security, food stamp vouchers, hospitals and other programs that help most struggling Americans. There is also a call in some circles to cut education or training that may help many Americans educate themselves enough to earn a higher living. While its known that the nation as a whole can't afford to keep on spending money on certain government programs. The question comes to mind is, if not spend money to support the programs that help struggling Americans, then what can be done? Is cutting programs that help the poor or the needy the answer? And when these programs are cut or done away with, who will help the poor or Americas struggling middle class?
Many Americans today, are living one pay check to the next and many others don't have emergency cash or savings to sustain themselves if something bad happens. Also with the price of gas, food and many other vital goods going up many of them are having a hard time keeping up. It seems today, that many politicians don't care about the average American citizen and instead of coming up with solutions to help combat the problem, they instead call names. Democrats  and Republicans' listen up, there is a cry from Americas middle class and poor. Stop your bickering and show some real leadership and do what's right for America.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Networking (2015)

My late grandmother had a saying that I never paid attention too until now," If you scratch my back, then I'll scratch yours" and its not what you know, but who you know. To all of my friends, co-workers or associates' around the world. I issue a challenge to each of you , get to know each of the people on your friends list and also find out what they do for a living. What's even more troublesome is that some of us don't even know what our neighbors' or family members do for a living. A lot of us seek knowledge from different sources, not knowing that the knowledge we seek maybe within our reach or own back yards. If everybody knew what their friends or relatives did for a living or what they know, imagine what one could learn from them or what they could also learn from you. Maybe their knowledge or expertise can help you save money, with your future purchases, give you knowledge on how to start a business or anything else you might be interested in. My mother had a saying that still sticks with me today," Its not what you know, but who you know that may aid in your future endeavors or successes". Imagine what new doors or opportunities that my be presented to you just buy knowing the people on your friends list or the people you see everyday. Knowledge or power is the key too all success . Imagine a world where we can learn about each other that may aid in each others future success. I am a car sales man, a writer, a website builder, blogger,  creative thinker, business man and public speaker. And you are? Lets Network its 2015! Write in, lets connect and build a relationship that may last for a lifetime.
Until then have a great day,

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Gulf Coast

Now that the children are starting to report to school, there is no better time to travel than now. All over the Gulf Coast, from Texas to Florida along the I-10 corridor hotels, restaurants and amusement parks are discounting their fares or rates drastically. I recently took a trip to New Orleans and then later to Gulf Shores , Alabama and had a blast! The food was excellent, the entertainment was top notch, beaches were white sand and  the view was absolutely beautiful and breath taking. To my surprise the hotels  and restaurants were affordable. When I asked a local business owner of a hotel why were the rates so affordable, his answer was simple. People were making a transition from vacationing to getting their children ready for school. As he explained it made common sense to lower the rates to draw more customers. I must admit after spending three wonderful days in New Orleans, Louisiana and Gulf Shores, Alabama, that the Gulf Coast is back. If you are a business person, a church that is expecting to plan an event or a parent with grown children there is not better time too plan a event, function or to take a few days for vacation . The Gulf Coast has plenty to offer the ordinary business person or an average citizen looking for a great deal.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Guns In America

Unless you lived under a rock, then you would know that guns are big news. Everyday, a murder is being committed with the criminal using a gun for his tool of terror. Even though the main focus of gun use is murder, many other crimes are being committed with the use of a gun, such as assaults, robbery and even rape. For over one hundred years, Politicians,  average American Citizens and Gun Rights Supporters have argued  about the rights to bare arms. While millions of Americans have been slaughtered every year and taken advantage of by a criminal that uses a gun. The question is not, should a American Citizen have the right to bare arms, the real question is the type of guns like the ones used by our military that are now available or for sale to the public. As a American citizen I am asking this very personal question, why should any American have the right to buy, then arm themselves with assault weapons or guns that are being used in our military? Even worse than that  there certain people ( like convicted criminals or the mentally ill )who realistically shouldn't be allowed to purchase or arm themselves with such weapons.What some gun rights advocates won't tell the average citizen is that even in the right hands a gun can be just as deadly in their hand, because sometimes guns kill accidentally. The main fact that many gun rights supporters won't share with the public or even acknowledge, is that when guns were first created or made its was so that the country that was at war at that time, could have a clear advantage over its enemy. It was only several years later ,when it became legal to own in some countries so that they could be used for hunting or protection. What's surprising is that even today with all the mass murders, senseless crimes or killings and with murder rates rising in almost every major city in America, those very same Gun Rights Supporters feel or think  owning more guns is the answer.

 This issue happens to be a very personal for me, because when I was just a ten years old child, I was given bad news by one of my parents, that my cousin accidentally killed himself, with a gun that my uncle left unattended. Also when I became an adult I have witness several crimes and even murder being committed by some criminal with the use of a gun. It was an early reminder for me at that time, that guns were only created to kill, destroy or intimidate and change innocent people lives forever. This issue still effects me even today, because since I have been out on my own, I hear guns being shot at night or daily from the streets near by my apartment building. The next day on the local news it was reported that criminals used an assault weapon and that killed two innocent bystanders. This same situation is being played out in millions of American cities or towns everyday. What's crazy is  now people are using the guns to commit mass murder and these criminals are still now allowed to purchase multiple assault weapons. The question is why? Why won't Congress regulate guns or improve our gun laws and why or how are so many criminals getting their hands these weapons? How many more people have to die, before the people that were elected, takes a stand and makes owning or usage of a assault weapon illegal? It makes common sense for our Leaders, Congressmen or Senators to come up with bill that will regulate Guns In America, that will keep the gun advocates happy and at the same time help keep our citizens safe. If you have been a victim of a crime involving a gun please write in and we would love to share your story.
Please join the debate and vote in the poll below.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Wake Up Republicans, Louisiana Has

 In many  political circles the name Bobby Jindal has come up and within the Republican party he happens to be a star. But while many ponder those thoughts, three questions should come to mind," Does the people that this Governor serve in his own state feel that way"?Do they like him or are they pleased with his job performance ? If they looked at or noticed the latest polls they would realize that his popularity has drop below 50%. If it wasn't for the national media, no one outside of Louisiana would even know who this Governor is. Many Louisiana residents and also many state Republicans are displeased or unhappy with this Governor  Why? Because every since he has been in office he hasn't accomplished much and has been mostly outside of the state campaigning. He is not a good speaker, doesn't make sound decisions and his policies are just as bad as his speeches. All this Governor has done since he has been in office is cut many needed projects in Louisiana, campaign out of state and has hurt Louisiana image more in the process. Since he has been in office the unemployment rate continues to rise, along with the rate of crime, the health care system is in a mess, education and poverty levels are even lower than national average.Louisiana highways and water systems are failing, while the citizens he is suppose to serve loose even more faith in this elected official. The Governor is even in a fight with his own party within his own state and many of his so called supporter want him recalled or removed from office. The question many should ask themselves while considering the next President, if Bobby Jindal  policies or political agenda is no good for Louisiana, what makes them think he would be good for a nation?Wake up Republicans, Louisiana has and it has waken up from a nightmare.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What's Everyone Afraid Of?

There is a big elephant in the room, but everyone is afraid to talk about it. One party talks about health care and the other talks about taxes. As an American I would like to talk about what every real American is really concern with and that's JOBS. Who cares if the rich are leaving America, because they are afraid of paying taxes, because they aren't real Americans anyway. Any American that renounces their citizenship because they don't want to pay their share of taxes don't belong here. A Real American will pay their taxes, fight for what's right and won't bow down to political pressure, then do what's right for our country. There are too many yes man or yes women that are only out there to get elected. What's everyone afraid of? Tell your congressmen, congresswomen or senators to stop fighting and do what's right for America! What are they going to do, they can't fire you or make your life worse, because they need your vote to get elected. Let your voices be heard and tell the politicians that this is the United States of America not the divided states. So stop being afraid! If they don't listen, don't do what everybody else does by starting a group or a  new political party. Because in the end it will end up being used, manipulated or corrupted by those that are already in power. Just vote them out , then unite for one cause and do what's right for the country we love.

Its Election Time!

Its almost election time and as usual the politicians are doing what most politicians do. Lie! Lie to get votes! Lie to get elected, lie to get exposure and just plain lie for the hell of it. It seems no one has the guts to tell people the truth or even tell the American public what their true beliefs' are. Why? Because they are afraid of getting criticized by the left or the right  wings of the media or they are afraid of alienating a particular group or party. It a shame that American politics are gone the way of the liar and none of them have any real vision. Its just one politician saying one thing to please his party and another one saying something to please the other. What America needs is someone brave enough to give America a real vision or a new direction and able to stick with their beliefs without wavering. This writer would like to know when will the American public wake and elect a man or woman that will not bow down to pressure , then do what's right for America. America needs a real leader one with vision, brave enough to face the right or the left and say no I will only do whats right for America! Its election time, prepare for the rhetoric, the lies and especially the flip flops. Get ready America, because its election time!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


With the Supreme courts decision to up hold Obamas health care law, is a very huge victory for Barracks Presidential election. Obama has taken huge risks in and election year, first with a quote ,okaying gay marriage and the other by allowing illegal aliens that are already here to stay. These are risk that most politicians wouldn't chance especially in an election year. With this huge victory many Republicans will have to go back to the drawing board and figure out new ways to attack this President. This year more than ever Obama has made his mark on this Presidential election. Now if there was any doubt who Obama really is, all one would have to do is look at the latest headlines. This President has made his mark, drawn a line in the sand, then clearly stated this is who I am, who I am about and if you don't like me or my policies, then its your time to act. For Obama this was a hugh victory, now only time can tell if this decision will propel him into another four years as President.

Friday, May 25, 2012

What America Needs

As I begin to write, I have many thoughts that come to mind when I think about the country I love. Loving one country is almost like loving your family, spouse, children and friends. The reason I say this is just like our family our country has flaws or things that each of us are not happy with, but because we love them or it we always hope and pray for the best. Like most Americans, I am not completely happy with the direction that our country is headed in. But as I think about this past statement, some questions comes to mind, Who's fault is it ? Is it the President fault, Congress, Senate , the media, big business or common americans fault? Whose the blame? And more importantly what can we do as american citizens to make it better? As I begin to think about the answers and solutions to our problems I begin to realize that even though we all would love to blame our politicians for our problems most of the blame comes from within. Its our fault as americans, because we except things to easily and we do not use our rightful power as american citizens to the fullest. I would say to all americans, that voting is not enough and complaining is easy! Get involved in your communities and tell your political leaders and business owners about your concerns. Stop complaining to your co-workers, friends and family, then do something about it. As easy as it seems to blame the President or our current leaders for the direction our country is headed, when in truth the country has been in this shape for over 15 years. As americans instead of complaining and blaming people for our country past and future problems, we should instead support them with their efforts when it comes to change. Now I am not advising anyone who does not agree with the politicians to hold their tongue. Anyone that doesn't agree with the President or our current leaders should express their thoughts. But when they do so they should offer, some sound proof or another plan that can lead our country into the right direction. What America needs is peoples views that are not influenced by the media or politicians. Real american views, not from political leaders or people that are out of touch with reality. My mother had a saying that still sticks to me today," Unless you walked in the shoes of the person your are talking about or representing there is no way you can understand how they feel". That is why it bothers me when I see politicians shake peoples hands at airports, army bases,high schools or colleges. When in reality they do not understand what poor and working class people go through. If they happen to be rich, how can they really understand how poor and working class people feel? How can a person understand the needs of a person that just lost their house,car or family member or job when they are wealthy enough to take care of thousands of people? That is why America needs a real voice that comes from real people. In my blog I will be writing about real Americans, that are struggling and want their voices heard. So tune in the next couple of months will open up a lot of eyes and reveal what's it really like to be an American .
Be blessed and God bless America,

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Americas Poor And Homeless

With an election year now over, there is on group of people that our politicians and some media outlets seem to have forgotten about. What group you may ask? Americas poor or homeless. This group makes up 65 percent of the United States population, while only 30 percent of Americans are actually in the middle class and 5 percent are rich. One would may ask, if these figures are accurate , then why aren't more people talking about and why aren't more Americans speaking up? While many media outlets focus on groups such as, the gay community, African Americans, Hispanics or other groups, they forget one very important fact. In each of these groups a very large percentage of homeless people or  poor resides within them. The question is, Why aren't more people speaking up or looking out for Americas poor or homeless? Through my research and from talks from the street I have began to realize the main reason for this is because the poor or homeless  has no real representation. As one poor and homeless person who happens to sleep under a bridge once told me, man no one cares about us and there are not many people who know that we exist. He went on to say, when the public looks at us all they see is failure or someone that's looking for an handout. He went on to say, man what happen to me can happen to any of you guys and I don't want a handout I just want a chance.
After I finished giving him some money for something to eat , I then left him with a bad feeling in my heart and soul. I said to myself, this is America and why is this happening? Why aren't more Americans outrage and why won't anybody do something about it? If I were rich, maybe I would be poor the next month. Why? Well because I would do everything in my power to help those who struggle, those who are in need or those that are poor or homeless.  After all it is our duty as American citizens to help our own fellow Americans. We help other people that are poor in other countries, so why won't we help our own? Even though I may not be poor, I do understand how it feels to have no support or money. Its a very lonely world when you are struggling or when you are trying to make ends meet. There are no family members, friends or even  politicians fighting for you in Washington or even in your state. They are just Americas poor and homeless , forgotten people, without representation or care from America or Americas elite.


Americas Forgotten People

If you happen to be rich, CEO of a major company or even someone that owns their own business, I want you to know that you have people employed in your company that are part of a group that's called Americas forgotten people. I know to many of you, you may wonder how can I make such a bold statement? Well if you or your company is making millions and giving yourself all the profits, then you have forgotten about the very people that help you become rich or profitable. I see these people all the time and I also work at a company that treats their employees the same way. When I took business management in college, my Professor had a perfect analogy when it came to business. He would say class," business is just like a tree, without its roots there is no way that it can grow". He would also say when times are ruff its easy to trim the top, because eventually it will grow back. But if you do anything to the roots, remove any of them, in time your tree will either die or fade away. What this means in real world terms, your business is only good as the people you employ. If you forget about them, cut them back in anyway, then you will have unhappy,unproductive workers, especially if you just take profits and enrich yourself. Yes, the business may be yours and your ideal alone, but without your dedicated employees there would be no way your business would thrive. They are the roots of your company, America's forgotten people. These people complain everyday, about their pay checks, their benefits' being cut and the lack of acknowledgment from their superiors. In most American companies today the top brass or CEO's are the ones being rewarded for the company's success. If a business owner wants their business to last for years to come, they must adopt the same strategy as a farmer. Any good farmer knows that if he waters his crop and feeds it properly, it will produce enough fruit for years to come. The same can be said of a good business owner, if he treats his employees with respect, rewards them for their hard work and keeps them happy. Not only will his company thrive and make profits for years to come, it will earn the respect that so few get today. If you happen to be a owner or just starting your own business never forget the people that work with you or work for your company everyday. They are the roots of your company and without proper care your company will have unproductive, unhappy people working for you or they(Good and talented people) will leave for greener pastors. It makes good business sense to reward the people in the trenches, the people that helped your business become a success.
Have a great day,