Thursday, April 3, 2014

Manage Your Money

Its a fact that 65% of Americans don't have at least $1,000.00 in their savings. Its also a fact that over 75% polled are in fact living from one pay check until then next. What makes these facts even more disturbing is that if any of these people happen to loose their jobs or have any type of emergency, they don't have any type of capital to help them in their time of need. That's why the staff at What America Needs came up with a simple formula that can help any American safe at least $1,095.00 per year. How you may ask? By saving $3.00 per day. That's right $3.00 a day, less than the cost of a happy meal  at McDonald's and the price of an average energy drink one can save $1,095.00 a year. Its a fact every American adult spends about $15.00 per day on things they don't need , like snacks or other items. That's over $5,475.00 per year! Now you know why convenience stores and fast food chains make so much money. In fact each of these businesses average at least $7.00 per person that walks into their doors. It would only make sense, to know that almost every American despite their income can save at least $1,000.00 per year, after all it's only $3.00 per day.Yes, you to can save once you learn how to, Manage Your Money.

Saving tips,
$1.00 per day = $365.00
$3.00 per day = $1095.00
$5.00 per day = $1,825.00
$10.00 per day = $3,650.00
$15.00 per day = $5,475.00
$20.00 per day = $7,300.00
These numbers are based off of each day of the year which equals 365 days.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Building Your Business

Its a known fact that 90 percent of all new jobs in the United States of America were created by small business. Every new or old business were created by one or two very creative individuals with the ideal of owning and running their  business. The question is how does one start or build their own business? First with an ideal, then with a plan to aggressively, put their ideal into action. I recommend anyone who happens to have a great ideal, to first write it down on paper, store it on a hard drive or smart device, so that particular ideal doesn't get lost. Most great ideals are lost because the person or persons who thought of it simply forgot to write it down.

 Research your ideal then make sure there is an active market for your products or services.The next step is to put it into action, even if its on a small scale every new ideal should start off as soon as possible. After that is done is when one should come up with a name, then immediately incorporate their business.The reasons for this is because once a person makes their business their passion, the greater chance that their business or ideal becomes a reality. Then let the world know about your new business. Most businesses don't acquire any clients because the new owner hasn't told their family members or friends about their new business. Today there are many social networks available where one can advertise their business for free.Word of mouth is still a very successful and proven way to market any new or established business.Always treat each new client or customer with respect and provide great service, that way the business will keep on growing. Even when a business or company is experiencing slow periods one should never give up on their ideals or business. Be patient,  part of building any business, is finding new ways or ideals to get referrals and create new business.
Good luck,

These are my simple steps for starting ones own business.
(1) Write down then store the relevant information when it comes to running your new business.One should never forget to get the necessary licenses or permits before opening their business.
(2) Create, then come up with a name of your new business and incorporate your new company.
(3) Open up a business bank account at one of your local banks or credit union.
(4) Purchase business cards and market yourself through family, friends and all available social networks.
(5) Stay active, advertise, promote and never give up on your business.