Saturday, July 20, 2013

False Alarm

Every since Barrack Obama first took office there has been groups of people trying to tear his administration down. From Fox News, then from Republicans and now from other groups claiming that this administration is bad for the United States or its economy. But what these groups fail to realize is that their faulty data is just as bad as its analysis of this administration. Since Obama took office the stock market has risen over 5,600 points , unemployment level has dropped 2 points, then added over 2 million new jobs and there are also signs of an improving housing market. Factor that with improving consumer confidence, most people are feeling real good about this economy, even investors.With all this overwhelming evidence, one would ask whats with all the false alarms or predictions of doom? Why are there groups constantly trying to tear down this administration or its accomplishments?The easy answer to these question, is pure politics. As long as there is one political party on the outside the other will always say something negative. They will always raise false alarms or try to ignite fear into the American public. That is what makes politicians good at what they do which is complain. What they and the news agencies fail to realize is that unlike them, the numbers don't lie.

Friday, July 19, 2013

I Take Issue With

When I watch the news or listen to the radio, I am very sadden. Why? Because the press , the media and even some high profile celebrities, have no ideal what it means to be black in America. I wouldn't deny, that there are some racist black people in America and I don't excuse their behavior. Also black on black crime is absolutely ridiculous. But if one would deny that racism is still very big in America, then I would say, either that they are blind or they have their heads in the sand. Its a fact that everyday, that I walk out of my house I experience some form of racism, either at my job or while I am shopping. Even today I get strange looks when approaching my car, other races lock their cars as if I was some type of criminal trying to steal their car. I have began to accept the fact, that living around racist people is just a small part of living in America. What saddens me is when the people of my own kind with the power or positions to do something about it, are afraid to speak out on this issues or subject. Then I started to do some thinking on why certain celebrities don't speak out on this issue, its because they are afraid of loosing their sponsors or their positions. Many of them now are rich or wealthy and have forgotten what it means to be black in America. They have forgotten the struggle and the path that was laid out before them, from various past civil rights leaders.

That is why I take issue with them, not because of their opinions, but because the act like they represent the opinions of average African Americans. To those people this is my message to you. You don't represent the real opinions or views of  average African Americans. As a matter of fact you are out of touch and you have lost your way.You pander, to a group that really doesn't care about  you, your thoughts or your opinions. As long as they can control you and influence what you do or say, you will always be rich slaves in America.You are not real leaders and no African American citizen looks up to you for leadership, because many of you are afraid to lead.  Knowing that fact is okay with me and other African Americans.Why? Because we all know that our real leaders died a long time ago, are a thing of the past and as Africans Americans we are along to find our own way. Next time you so called leaders of African Americans decide to speak out, know this I and others take issue with your thoughts are views of real African Americans.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Racism Alive And Well In America

If you thought race relationships or that African American progresses has quieted racism , then all you had to do was watch and listen to peoples opinions about the Trayvon Martin case. One segment of America was clearly hoping for a guilty plea, while another segment were hoping for a plea of innocent. Whats ironic about this verdict is that the segment hoping for the guilty plea, knew deep down in their hearts that they would be robbed  again of justice. For hundreds of years the African American population had to endure many unjust verdicts. First they were brought here from another country, then enslaved . Then after they were freed, they were forced to live the life of lower class citizens. After the death of great leaders who fought then died for their freedoms (Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Rosa Park and others) Africans Americans continued to be viewed as lower class citizens.
With the election ,then re-electing of the nations first black President and the countless barriers over come one would think that Africans Americans suffering would come to an end. But the with tonight's verdict and a certain segment of Americans celebrating this decision, it proves that even today that racism is alive and well in America. What this verdict is clearly saying that young or old Africans Americans are not free to walk the very streets they live in. If they look the least bit suspicious they will be followed , killed or hunted down like animals. That is a little bit ironic, because not to long ago a famous football player was sentenced to five years in prison for the killings of an animal. It makes one want to ask this question, Are the laws written in America only geared towards the protection of other citizens other than African Americans? When will African American truly be free?  Only after African American are treated and viewed as equals will be the only time they will be free . Racism is alive and  doing very well in America. Until its gone African Americans will never be free.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Life's Unexpected

If you lived long enough, then you should know that life sometimes is very unpredictable. One day a persons car could be running and the next day it could be dead. That's just part of life many obstacle's and one must always be properly  prepared for the unexpected .Its important that every individual be prepared for death, job loss, natural storms, home or auto repairs and unexpected disasters. That's why a savings and financial plan is so important.  Without one  a family or an individual could loose everything in the process. In today's climate its very important to have some type of savings for the future and an investment of any type, is a must for every working or able individual. That combined with auto, life and health insurance can add security and a peace of mind that every American needs. If one plans to retire, send their children to college or even pay their current bills, a small investment in themselves is all that needed. That's why the staff at," What America Needs", recommends every individual save at least ten percent of their incomes and invest another five percent in stocks or other investments.(401 K, Cd's, Investment Clubs, Real estate or other investments)

To give you an example of what this means, a person earning ten thousand a year could net one thousand dollars in just pure savings. Also by investing another five percent they could net them another five hundred dollars. That's why I am encouraging every American citizen to put money on the side and invest in their futures. Instead of gambling in a casino, splurging at a mall or even eating at a local chain, they should instead save some of that money for life's many unexpected adventures. Its a known fact that life can sometimes be very stressful. Besides death, a financial burden can cripple many family incomes and sometimes cause divorce. Everyone should save a little of their income, to protect themselves against future storms or disasters. Doing so can pay huge dividends for the future and have them properly prepared for  life's unexpected.