With so much infighting, black against white, Democrat against Republicans, Tea Party against Independents, the south against the north, the House against the Senate, or all against the President, most forget that we are all Americans . Its alright that each of us has our own beliefs, differences or preferences, but with cooler heads or sound minds we should all be able to compromise, for the greater good of our country. After all while, we argue or fight over the little things,we should never forget that our children are watching, in fact the whole world is watching. Are we going to continue playing this political game, while the rest of our citizens suffer? Don't these guys or gals realize that there was just an election and the majority voted for change? Its a fact that this political posturing hurts our economy, keeps major firms or companies from hiring and ruins our standings in the world. This message is for you Mr. President and to our leaders in the House or the Senate, get something done not for yourselves, but for the good of our country. After all without our votes and our support none of you would have been elected in the first place. Please for the good of our country.