Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Neighborhood Nobody Knows Or Cares About

Imagine if you woke up or was born in a world that was always at war. Drive by shootings , mass murder, theft , rape and every crime known to man being committed on the daily basis. Imagine streets covered or littered with trash. Homes or apartment buildings infested with rats and roaches or abandon buildings being used as crack houses or whore houses used for prostitution. On every corner, there is a gang member, drug dealer or liquor store. Police only patrol or drive by only when a crime is being committed or when they need to meet their quotas while writing traffic tickets or citations. When a crime or a murder has been committed they come in large numbers and even if you haven't committed a crime, but fit the description,you will be face down or shackled by police like a criminal. In these neighborhoods, hoods, ghettos or trailer parks these things are normal. Its a normal thing for a child or an adult to witness a crime on a daily basis and no one is ever shocked when someone gets murdered. In fact in some neighborhoods when someone gets into a fight or even shot, all the people in the neighborhood comes out to watch like its an a event. To many who live there fighting, killing or murder is just like a sport. Thugs or so called gangsters brag or laugh about the crime to their family or friends. Some are so bold that they even post their crimes on Face book, Twitter and even You Tube.
Men or women drive by in their old school cars with twenty five or twenty six inch wheels, blaring their music sky high and walking around with expensive athletic shoes with their pants hanging down. Some do drugs in public or broad day light and commit their crimes for everyone to see. The good people who live there are in fear and helpless to do anything about it. Why? Because even when one makes a phone call to the local police station it could take hours before one makes an appearance. Many simply can't afford or don't have the resources to move out of the ghetto because of their income. In most of the homes there are single parent females or a rare male that's left alone to raise their children. Education is some cases are frowned on and for some children only the lure of making fast money as a drug dealer, rapper or criminal is in their future. Why? Because their father, mother and their family members grew up to be criminals or so called gangsters. Forget about what they see or hear on television because to some children its worlds away or a fantasy. Besides that, nobody in the outside world knows or cares about the ghetto. No one cares that everyday a young man, woman or child are being murdered or raped. In fact even though there is an election no candidate is speaking or trying to change the lives of the people in the ghetto. Its the neighborhoods that nobody knows or cares about and many want to know why? Write in , then express your thoughts, opinion or views on the subject.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One Voice

In case you lived under a rock , then you should know that there is a election today. If you read your daily paper, listen to the radio or watched the news lately then you would have heard various opinions on who is going to win the election or the race. In one corner, you would believe Mitt Romney has already won the race and is the President elect. Then  in the other corner you would believe that Barack Obama has already won second term. The news media and the pundits' have already picked a winner, even though not a single vote has been counted. Radio shows, talk media and newspapers are spending their time tearing down each candidate. Democrats and Republicans a doing their best to tear down the other tell everyone that their candidate is the best.
Well I am here to tell you until the last vote is counted the election isn't over until the fat lady sings. It doesn't matter who you choice to vote for, just get out and vote. Encourage your friends, your family members, complete strangers , even your spouse to get out and vote. Tell them to exercise their rights and to let their voices be heard. Tell them not to let the news media, pundits or even those from their own political party to influence them when it comes time to vote. Instead look at the facts, search the Internet, listen to the debates and come to your own conclusion on who to vote for. Its your voice and your vote make your choice wisely. Vote and allow your voice to be heard. I will be voting on election day, will you?Please vote because your vote really counts and you can't complain unless you vote.One vote! One Voice!Your Vote Counts!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Should These People Be Running Our Country?

With most Americans incomes declining and wealthy getting richer, there is a big divide in the country. The poor is getting poorer and the middle call is barely making it. While the rich are getting richer still trying to hold on to those tax rates that make them even richer. The question I have for the political elite, what makes you qualified to run our country? Most politicians are out of touch with the American public and don't really understand the needs of the average American citizen. None of them understand that most Americans, besides wanting a job would also like to be in the position to do something's as the rich or wealthy.  Now even in Washington there is a fight between those who would tax the wealthy and for those who would fight to keep the higher income brackets taxes low. It makes one want to ask during those political debates, who will fight for the poor and the middle class? Who will make sure that all Americans pay their fair share of taxes? Who will make sure that every American is covered by health care despite their income? Who will keep drugs off of our streets and keep all Americans safe? Who will make sure that every American gets a quality education and that the teachers that are teaching them are well paid? Who will make sure after our children graduate from college that there will be a well paying job waiting for them? And who will stand up to those who would jeopardize our freedoms, our religions or our individual needs? These are just some of the questions that many of average American citizens would like to be answered. But with weeks leading into the election,these questions hasn't been answered by any of none of those who may run our country. Should these people be running our country? You tell me.