As I begin to write, I have many thoughts that come to mind when I think about the country I love. Loving one country is almost like loving your family, spouse, children and friends. The reason I say this is just like our family our country has flaws or things that each of us are not happy with, but because we love them or it we always hope and pray for the best. Like most Americans, I am not completely happy with the direction that our country is headed in. But as I think about this past statement, some questions comes to mind, Who's fault is it ? Is it the President fault, Congress, Senate , the media, big business or common americans fault? Whose the blame? And more importantly what can we do as american citizens to make it better? As I begin to think about the answers and solutions to our problems I begin to realize that even though we all would love to blame our politicians for our problems most of the blame comes from within. Its our fault as americans, because we except things to easily and we do not use our rightful power as american citizens to the fullest. I would say to all americans, that voting is not enough and complaining is easy! Get involved in your communities and tell your political leaders and business owners about your concerns. Stop complaining to your co-workers, friends and family, then do something about it. As easy as it seems to blame the President or our current leaders for the direction our country is headed, when in truth the country has been in this shape for over 15 years. As americans instead of complaining and blaming people for our country past and future problems, we should instead support them with their efforts when it comes to change. Now I am not advising anyone who does not agree with the politicians to hold their tongue. Anyone that doesn't agree with the President or our current leaders should express their thoughts. But when they do so they should offer, some sound proof or another plan that can lead our country into the right direction. What America needs is peoples views that are not influenced by the media or politicians. Real american views, not from political leaders or people that are out of touch with reality. My mother had a saying that still sticks to me today," Unless you walked in the shoes of the person your are talking about or representing there is no way you can understand how they feel". That is why it bothers me when I see politicians shake peoples hands at airports, army bases,high schools or colleges. When in reality they do not understand what poor and working class people go through. If they happen to be rich, how can they really understand how poor and working class people feel? How can a person understand the needs of a person that just lost their house,car or family member or job when they are wealthy enough to take care of thousands of people? That is why America needs a real voice that comes from real people. In my blog I will be writing about real Americans, that are struggling and want their voices heard. So tune in the next couple of months will open up a lot of eyes and reveal what's it really like to be an American .
Be blessed and God bless America,